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ACCEL Africa Regional Conference: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains

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With the aim of providing ACCEL Africa beneficiary countries and guest countries with a platform for structured knowledge sharing, the Project is organizing a Regional Conference: Knowledge Sharing for Partnerships on the Elimination of Child Labour in Supply Chains.

The goal of this event is to promote the replicability of identified Project good practices, which have showed positive results and have the potential of enabling positive results in other countries within the region.

The regional conference will bring together stakeholders from 11 African countries: Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, Mali, Malawi, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Ghana and the DRC.

The design of the Regional Conference has been inspired by the Durban Call to Action on the Elimination of Child Labour, which calls for strengthened action to combat Child Labour. Based on the pillars of the Durban Call to Action, ACCEL Africa has identified 14 good practices.

The Regional Conference aims to leverage on ACCEL Africa to promote the replicability of the project’s innovations. Through the good practices mentioned above, the conference will provide examples of effective implementation, which respond directly or indirectly to some of the 6 pillars of the Call to Action. It focuses particularly on ending child labour in selected value chains, improving data collection and knowledge generation on child labour, fostering systemic behavioural changes at the community level, and raising awareness through participatory methods.

Tentative agenda of the meeting (all times are Abidjan (GMT), UTC +0):

22 February 2023

23 February 2023

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