Bureau for Workers' Activities (ACTRAV)
The Bureau for Workers ‘Activities (ACTRAV) is the main link between the International Labour Office and the world of work through one of its constituents: workers’ organizations.
ACTRAV ensures that the concerns and interests of workers’ organizations are taken into consideration in the policy development and activities of the International Labour Office, both at Headquarter and in the Field.
Read more about ACTRAV

Conference on the New Social Contract

A Trade Union Perspective for Latin America and the Caribbean: This conference aims to provide a platform for trade unions from across Latin America and the Caribbean to discuss these challenges and opportunities, and to support them in shaping the new social contract in their respective countries and at the regional level.

Interviews with Workers' Delegates during the 112th ILC

During the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference which took place from 3rd of June to the 14th of June, 2024, international delegates representing various Workers' Organizations and Trade Unions around the world expressed their views on some of the items on the agenda of the conference.
News and articles
Malaysia trade unions gain collective bargaining and wage negotiation skills
Unions Express a Common Perspective for Latin America and the Caribbean Towards a New Social Contract
Key publications

Using foresight to think and act upon an uncertain future world of work

African Trade Unions and the Future of Work Responses, Challenges and Opportunities

ILO Working paper 106
Are platform workers willing to unionize? Exploring survey evidence from 14 European countries
ILO Working paper 101
An unfinished task? Matching the Platform Work Directive with the EU and international "social acquis"
International Journal of Labour Research
A new social contract: achieving social justice in an era of accelerating change

Trade Union Revitalization
Trade unions navigating and shaping change
International Journal of Labour Research
Launched in 2009, the International Journal of Labour Research (IJLR) is the flagship publication of the ILO’s Bureau for Workers’ Activities (ACTRAV).
Trade Unions as Actors for Change
The Future of Work is uncertain. The world of work is faced with multiple transformations in the context of changing labour markets, driven by technological advancement and digitalisation, climate and environmental changes, globalization and demographic shifts. ACTRAV’s programme on Trade Unions in Transformation : Actors for Change supports trade unions to engage in this debate and to strengthen transformative action on the future of trade unions.
Working Paper 118
Using foresight to think and act upon an uncertain future world of work
Policy Brief
The African Continental Free Trade Area: An Opportunity to Promote Social and Labour Issues across the Continent?
ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024
Key resources
International Journal of Labour Research
Trade Union Revitalization: Organizing new forms of work including platform workers
Dealing with crises arising from conflicts and disasters-ILO training manual for workers’ organizations
Social Security
Workers’ guide to ILO Conventions concerning minimum standards of social security
Rural economy
Decent work deficits among rural workers
Flagship Report
Social Dialogue Report 2022: Collective bargaining for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient recovery
Ongoing and upcoming events
Workers' Group of the Governing Body
The ACTRAV-Turin Labour Education Programme