International Labour Conference documents

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Plenary sitting: Outcome of the work of the General Discussion Committee on Decent Work and the Care Economy
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ILC.112/Record No. 8C

Plenary sitting: Outcome of the work of the General Discussion Committee on Decent Work and the Care Economy

Plenary sitting: Outcome of the work of the Recurrent Discussion Committee on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
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ILC.112/Record No. 7C

Plenary sitting: Outcome of the work of the Recurrent Discussion Committee on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Plenary sitting: Outcome of the work of the Standard-Setting Committee on Biological Hazards
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ILC.112/Record No. 6C

Plenary sitting: Outcome of the work of the Standard-Setting Committee on Biological Hazards

Report of the Recurrent Discussion Committee on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
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ILC.112/Record No. 7B

Report of the Recurrent Discussion Committee on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Report of the General Discussion Committee on Decent Work and the Care Economy
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ILC.112/Record No. 8B

Report of the General Discussion Committee on Decent Work and the Care Economy

Plenary sitting: Report of the Committee on the Application of Standards
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ILC.112/Record No. 5C

Plenary sitting: Report of the Committee on the Application of Standards

Plenary sitting: Strategic dialogue with the co-facilitators of the intergovernmental preparatory process of the Second World Summit for...
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ILC.112/Record No. 9B

Plenary sitting: Strategic dialogue with the co-facilitators of the intergovernmental preparatory process of the Second World Summit for...

Report of the Standard-Setting Committee on Biological Hazards
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ILC.112/Record No. 6B

Report of the Standard-Setting Committee on Biological Hazards

Resolution concerning decent work and the care economy
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Resolution V

Resolution concerning decent work and the care economy

Resolution to place on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference an item entitled “Biological hazards in the working...
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Resolution III

Resolution to place on the agenda of the next ordinary session of the Conference an item entitled “Biological hazards in the working...

Resolution concerning the third recurrent discussion on fundamental principles and rights at work
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Resolution IV

Resolution concerning the third recurrent discussion on fundamental principles and rights at work

Plenary sitting: Reports of the Credentials Committee (2024)
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ILC.112/Record No. 3C

Plenary sitting: Reports of the Credentials Committee (2024)

Abrogation of four international labour Conventions (112th Session, 2024)
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Abrogation of four international labour Conventions (112th Session, 2024)

Plenary sitting: Report of the Finance Committee
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ILC.112/Record No. 4B

Plenary sitting: Report of the Finance Committee

Plenary sitting: Report of the General Affairs Committee
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ILC.112/Record No. 2B

Plenary sitting: Report of the General Affairs Committee

Final list of delegations (112th Session)
Abstract ILO colours 2

112th Session, 2024

Final list of delegations (112th Session)

Plenary sitting: Opening of the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference
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ILC.112/Record No. 9A

Plenary sitting: Opening of the 112th Session of the International Labour Conference

Officers of the Conference, the Committees and the groups during the 112th Session of the Conference
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Officers of the Conference, the Committees and the groups during the 112th Session of the Conference

Composition of the Conference and quorum for votes
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112th Session, 2024

Composition of the Conference and quorum for votes

Second report of the Credentials Committee (2024)
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ILC.112/Record No. 3B

Second report of the Credentials Committee (2024)