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New skills for business growth for Suriname’s agro-cooperatives
Ram Lutchman, Chair of Sunday Market Cooperative, Suriname

ILO in Action

New skills for business growth for Suriname’s agro-cooperatives

Caribbean and South African labour officials host knowledge exchange on dispute resolution
Persons shake hands in agreement

Caribbean and South African labour officials host knowledge exchange on dispute resolution

Sustainable tourism and wood-processing earmarked by ILO as growth sectors in Suriname’s indigenous and marron communities
ILO Specialist with Suriname's indigenous community leaders

Sustainable tourism and wood-processing earmarked by ILO as growth sectors in Suriname’s indigenous and marron communities

Suriname’s National Decent Work Commission hosts stakeholder session on labour market governance and labour rights
A group of people standing in a room

Suriname’s National Decent Work Commission hosts stakeholder session on labour market governance and labour rights

ILO meetings in Suriname focus on DWCP advancements
A group of people in a room standing in front of a Surinamese flag

ILO meetings in Suriname focus on DWCP advancements

ILO conducts enterprise formalization training in Suriname
A group of people in discussion around a table at a training workshop

ILO conducts enterprise formalization training in Suriname

Suriname officials validate National Social Protection Strategy
The Hon. Steven Mac Andrew, Minister of Labour, Employment and Youth Affairs, Suriname

Suriname officials validate National Social Protection Strategy

ILO hosts meeting aimed at developing robust cooperative sector in Suriname
Women purchasing vegetables at a green market

ILO hosts meeting aimed at developing robust cooperative sector in Suriname

Suriname strengthens the application of labour laws through tripartite efforts
Group photo of workshop participants in Suriname

Suriname strengthens the application of labour laws through tripartite efforts

ILO-led training builds business capacity of 30 agro-cooperatives in Suriname and leads to discussions with Government on national plan
Photo of ILO official John Bliek handing a training certificate to Giovanni Liveweld

ILO-led training builds business capacity of 30 agro-cooperatives in Suriname and leads to discussions with Government on national plan

ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP
Photo of just transition workshop participants in Suriname

ILO hosts tripartite workshop on just transition strategies as part of Suriname’s DWCP

Consultancy: Study on skills for green jobs in Suriname
Technician working outdoor on ecological solar farm

ILO consultancy

Consultancy: Study on skills for green jobs in Suriname

Consultancy: Assessment of the main barriers and opportunities for formalization of MSMEs in Suriname
An afro surinamese woman in a green apron

ILO consultancy

Consultancy: Assessment of the main barriers and opportunities for formalization of MSMEs in Suriname

FAO/SAMAP, in collaboration with ILO, launches new training for strengthening cooperatives in Suriname
Photo of John Bliek, ILO Caribbean Specialist speaking at launch event

FAO/SAMAP, in collaboration with ILO, launches new training for strengthening cooperatives in Suriname

National External Collaborator (Consultant) for the Integral National Support for Strengthening of Rural and Green Economic Development in...
Three people discussing a document around a table

National External Collaborator (Consultant) for the Integral National Support for Strengthening of Rural and Green Economic Development in...

Suriname's Decent Work Monitoring Committee concludes successful training in Trinidad and Tobago
A group of people standing and smiling for a photo

Suriname's Decent Work Monitoring Committee concludes successful training in Trinidad and Tobago

ILO participates in trade union seminar on securing pensions in Suriname
A group of people in a seminar

ILO participates in trade union seminar on securing pensions in Suriname

ILO continues work on comprehensive review of Suriname’s Social Protection System
A group of five persons standing in a room

ILO continues work on comprehensive review of Suriname’s Social Protection System

Suriname signs Decent Work Country Programme III
Group photo of people standing holding a document

Suriname signs Decent Work Country Programme III

Consultancy for the development and piloting of a multifocal value chain selection and assessment tool
A businessman  pointing to a virtual overlay with value chain concept image

Call for expression of interest

Consultancy for the development and piloting of a multifocal value chain selection and assessment tool