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TERMS OF REFERENCE For Rapid Assessment and Scoping EIIP Potential in North-Eastern States of India
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TERMS OF REFERENCE For Rapid Assessment and Scoping EIIP Potential in North-Eastern States of India

Philippines inks covenant, paves way for decent work
President Marcos and Secretaries of government agencies in the Philippines

Employment summit

Philippines inks covenant, paves way for decent work

Job opportunities in green, digital and care
female worker in BPO

National Conference of Employers

Job opportunities in green, digital and care

Employment diagnostic analysis in the British Virgin Islands (BVI)
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ILO consultancy

Employment diagnostic analysis in the British Virgin Islands (BVI)

The Silver Tsunami: Are older workers the wave of the future?
ILO_Crozet_Older worker_Japan

Global challenges - Global solutions podcast

The Silver Tsunami: Are older workers the wave of the future?

ILO and Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea sign agreement to promote inclusive and sustainable youth employment
Korean delegates and ILO experts

Knowledge sharing on youth employment

ILO and Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea sign agreement to promote inclusive and sustainable youth employment

The Memorandum of Understanding between the entities aims to promote knowledge exchange and good practices on youth employment.

Unlocking national potential: Two years of ILO Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work
A seamster working at Expert Auto Trim in Durban, a Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work programme beneficiary enterprise in the Automotive Sector

Unlocking national potential: Two years of ILO Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work

ILO and Chattogram Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry host workshop to understand the challenges and opportunities of women...
Distinguish guests at the workshop

Enterprise development

ILO and Chattogram Women Chamber of Commerce and Industry host workshop to understand the challenges and opportunities of women...

Independent Evaluation of Zambia National Employment and Labour Market Policy (NELMP)
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Call for Proposals

Independent Evaluation of Zambia National Employment and Labour Market Policy (NELMP)

The independent evaluation will cover all the objectives, principles, and priority areas/strategies of Zambia’s 2018 National Employment Policy, with particular attention to both the policy’s development process and its implementation. The...

Asia-Pacific labour markets show recovery amidst looming demographic challenges
Elderly worker sells fruits.

APESO 2024

Asia-Pacific labour markets show recovery amidst looming demographic challenges

Knowledge exchange study tour in Egypt for Job Search Club stakeholders from Arab countries
group of ILO PROSPECTS programme stakeholders

Knowledge exchange study tour in Egypt for Job Search Club stakeholders from Arab countries

Brussels VIII Conference: Fostering inclusive recovery in Syria through the private sector
a group image of workers in a street

Brussels VIII Conference: Fostering inclusive recovery in Syria through the private sector

Youths empowered with new skills through Work-Based Learning initiative in Jordan
a group of people in an event

Youths empowered with new skills through Work-Based Learning initiative in Jordan

South-South Technical Workshop ‘Promoting Skills and Employment for Decent Work in Rural Development’ and Expert Workshop on Quality...
集体合影-SSTC Workshop in Huzhou

South-South Technical Workshop ‘Promoting Skills and Employment for Decent Work in Rural Development’ and Expert Workshop on Quality...

Celebrating 20 years of ILO collaboration with South Africa’s Expanded Public Works Programme
Workers in EPWP Limpopo

Employment Intensive Investment Programme

Celebrating 20 years of ILO collaboration with South Africa’s Expanded Public Works Programme

Tonga’s first-ever National Employment Policy begins to take shape
Participants of the National Employment Policy Workshop in Tonga

Press release

Tonga’s first-ever National Employment Policy begins to take shape

Workshop helps strengthen the skills needed to plan and execute a robust and effective policy.

50 young engineers from Basra, successfully completed ILO’s training programme Employment-Intensive Investment Program (EIIP)
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50 young engineers from Basra, successfully completed ILO’s training programme Employment-Intensive Investment Program (EIIP)

ILO initiative boosts employment opportunities for young people in Thailand
Young people with hearing disabilities at a panel discussion, at the closure of the ILO’s Young Futuremakers Thailand project.

ILO initiative boosts employment opportunities for young people in Thailand

Call for consultants
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Call for consultants

A Hope for Decent and Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Türkiye: "I’m Trained for My Job" Program
Training participants lined up next to project banner, in Izmir, Turkiye

A Hope for Decent and Sustainable Livelihoods and Social Cohesion in Türkiye: "I’m Trained for My Job" Program