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The book "Los acuerdos del diálogo social durante la pandemia por COVID-19" promoted by the ILO Office for Spain has been published
MADRID (OIT News) - During the COVID-19 pandemic, the most representative business and trade union organizations in Spain, together with the Spanish government, adopted various agreements within the framework of social dialogue as an essential...

The ILO and Japan conclude project empowering Palestinian women and youth in agriculture

ISKUR carries out Rights-Based Job Counselling Training
Social Justice, Human Development and Child Labour
Country Office Dar Es Salaam Director: Why the future of work in Tanzania is promising

New important set of amendments to the MLC, 2006 will enter into force on 23 December 2024

A new era for employment in Gabon: Historic agreement during visit of ILO Director-General

Gaziantep is hosting the Workplace Adaptation Program with Updated Content

ILO and EUROSTAT host global conference on measuring new forms of employment

Trafficking in persons
Forensic Psychologists Develop Skills to Support the Prosecutorial Investigation of Child Trafficking Cases

Workers' Rights and Care Policies
Project concludes highlighting progress in promoting care policies for gender equality, workers' rights in Ethiopia

Egyptian government joins forces with ILO to celebrate World Day Against Child Labour

The International Institute for Management Development MBA class engages with the ILO on the social and solidarity economy

Press release
New project to address child labour in the coffee industry launched by UN agencies and EU

Labour migration
Labour migration agreement between Kenya and Germany nears completion

Bridging Continents for the Protection of Migrant Workers
The Doha Dialogue Paves the Way for Improved Labor Mobility Governance Between Africa and the Middle East

Key ILO reports on the SSE translated into Korean by the Korea Social Enterprise Promotion Agency

First-ever private employment agency association launched to improve recruitment practices in Lao PDR

ILO delivers training on care cooperatives at ITCILO course

Promoting Safe and Empowering Migration
Progress in Labour Migration Governance: Insights from Kenya and Ethiopia

UN Task Force on Social and Solidarity Economy (UNTFSSE) Holds its 48th Virtual Meeting
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