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Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
A local produce seller displays his dates to clients at an exhibition.

Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The project aims to enhance the cooperative sector and promote decent jobs in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through policy development, institutional strengthening, and the capacity building of cooperatives.

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region
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Social Protection

Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region

Creating space for dialogue between agencies and governments in the Middle East and North Africa is critical to identify options for the expansion of social protection for agricultural workers in the region.

Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers: Exploratory Research and Policy Dialogue in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries
A migrant worker collecting dates

Extending Social Protection to Migrant Workers: Exploratory Research and Policy Dialogue in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries

Advancing the agenda of extending social protection to migrants in GCC countries by increasing knowledge of existing coverage gaps, facilitating dialogue between stakeholders in countries of origin and destination, and providing technical assistance...

Supporting Ministry of Labour and Social Development in analysis, policy and capacity development
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Employment promotion

Supporting Ministry of Labour and Social Development in analysis, policy and capacity development

Based on a direct request from the Saudi Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD), known previously as the Ministry of Labour and Social Development (MLSD), the ILO has developed a Development Cooperation project to provide...

Establishment of a Policy and Strategy Unit at the Ministry of Labour of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Establishment of a Policy and Strategy Unit at the Ministry of Labour of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The ILO is supporting the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Saudi Arabia to enhance its policy and strategy making capacity.

Creation of employment opportunities by fostering an enterprise culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Creation of employment opportunities by fostering an enterprise culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The ILO has developed a set of training materials for entrepreneurship education called Know About Business (KAB).