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Barriers and opportunities for enterprise formalization in Suriname - Assessment of the wood and tourism sectors
Report cover: Barriers and opportunities for enterprise formalization in Suriname's wood and tourism sectors

Barriers and opportunities for enterprise formalization in Suriname - Assessment of the wood and tourism sectors

To progress Surinamese economic development sustainably, enterprise formalization is vital. This report documents the main barriers to the formalization of enterprise in Suriname’s wood and tourism sectors. It presents insights gathered from 50...

SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development
Infographic for publication SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development

SAMAP: Strengthening market access for farmers in Suriname through agro-cooperative capacity building development

SAMAP is an initiative of the Government of Suriname, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) with the financial resources of the European Union (EU)

Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector
Cover for publication Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector

Value chain analysis of Suriname’s wood-processing sector

The main objective of the VCA is to identify opportunities for promoting inclusive and environmentally sustainable growth of the wood-processing sector in Suriname in a way that specifically targets small and medium enterprises (SMEs), promotes...

Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026
Cover for publication Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026

Decent Work Country Programme, Suriname, 2023-2026

The DWCP is intended to represent the tripartite commitment of Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations to achieve Suriname’s national development goals, as well as articulate a programme of action for the key areas in which the...

Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025
Cover for publication Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025

Suriname mid-term labour market policy, 2022-2025

The policy development process, which took place between October 2021 and July 2022, is the result of an inclusive and extensive tripartite dialogue between national stakeholders under the aegis of the tripartite Commission on the adoption of a...

The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)
Cover for publication The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)


The system of labour administration in Suriname (2nd revised edition)

This publication is meant to function as an evaluation tool and to be a useful guide for Government agencies, employers, workers, investors and key players in the labour and industrial relations environment.

2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary
Cover for 2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

Labour Overview series for Latin America and the Caribbean 2021

2021 Labour Overview, Latin America and the Caribbean - Executive Summary

The 2021 Employment Outlook describes a mixed bag scenario for employment and suggests that pre-pandemic levels will be reached by 2023 or even 2024.

The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - Action Plans
Cover for publication Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - Action Plans

The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - Action Plans

The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - An assessment with a focus on productivity drivers
Cover for The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - An assessment with a focus on productivity drivers

The Enabling Environment for Sustainable Enterprises in Suriname - An assessment with a focus on productivity drivers

Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean
Cover for publication ILO Working Paper 26: Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean

ILO Working Paper 26

Hurricanes and their implications for unemployment: Evidence from the Caribbean

Although extreme climate events pose significant challenges to labour markets, there is a paucity of empirical literature studying their impacts. The aim of the study is to investigate the impact of hurricane strikes on unemployment across a sample...

Labour administration application 2.0 user guide
Cover for publication Labour administration application 2.0 user guide

Labour administration application 2.0 user guide

This user guide is for the data entry software, developed by the ILO Office for the Caribbean, under the supervision of Mr Diego Rei, ILO Employment and Labour Market Policies Specialist, and with the programming input of Mr Kerwyn Roach, over the...

COVID-19 and the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean labour market. A rapid assessment of the impact on policy responses at the end of...
Cover for publication COVID-19 and the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean labour market. A rapid assessment of the impact on policy responses at the end of Q3, 2020

COVID-19 and the world of work

COVID-19 and the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean labour market. A rapid assessment of the impact on policy responses at the end of...

The report aims to take stock of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the labour market in the region and provide a systematic review of the main policy measures implemented by governments and social partners of the region. The information...

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery of TVET in CARICOM Member States
Cover for publication The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery of TVET in CARICOM Member States

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the delivery of TVET in CARICOM Member States

The capacity of technical and vocation education instructors to design, deliver, and assess student learning during the COVID-19 pandemic is critical to maintaining continuity of skills development. The objective of the survey was to understand the...

Evaluability Assessment of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme in Suriname
Cover for publication Evaluability Assessment of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme in Suriname

Evaluability Assessment of the ILO's Decent Work Country Programme in Suriname

This document provides the results of the pilot in Suriname over the on-site period of August and October 2018.

Tourism sector in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. An overview and the impact of COVID-19 on growth and employment
Cover for publication Tourism sector in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. An overview and the impact of COVID-19 on growth and employment

COVID-19 and the world of work

Tourism sector in the English- and Dutch-speaking Caribbean. An overview and the impact of COVID-19 on growth and employment

The tourism sector is the major source of revenue and jobs in the Caribbean region, and the key or one of the main sustainability oriented pillars for virtually all mid- and long-term national development strategies. The COVID-19 induced collapse of...

Employability of people with disabilities in Suriname
Cover for publication Employability of people with disabilities in Suriname

Employability of people with disabilities in Suriname

A baseline study by the International Labour Organization and the Ministry of Labour, Suriname

Graphic - COVID-19 Social Protection Measures
Placeholder image

Graphic - COVID-19 Social Protection Measures

This graphic provides an overview of social protection measures that countries in the region can implement to effectively protect workers and businesses against the adverse effects of COVID-19.

Suriname Decent Work Country Programme 2019-2021
Cover for publication Suriname Decent Work Country Programme 2019-2021

Suriname Decent Work Country Programme 2019-2021

The DWCP is intended to represent the tripartite commitment of Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations to achieve Suriname’s national development goals, as well as articulate a programme of action for the key areas in which the...

Suriname - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2017-2018)
Placeholder image

Suriname - Country baseline under the ILO Declaration Annual Review (2017-2018)

Impact - ILO Caribbean Highlights Report 2017-2019
Cover for publication Impact - ILO Caribbean Highlights Report 2017-19

Impact - ILO Caribbean Highlights Report 2017-2019

11th ILO Meeting of Caribbean Ministers of Labour, Barbados, 14-15 May 2019