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ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024
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ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024

Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work
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Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work

Regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (entity Federation of BiH-- Sarajevo Canton and...
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Regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (entity Federation of BiH-- Sarajevo Canton and...

Informal employment and Undeclared work in the Horeca sector: Findings from North Macedonia
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Informal employment and Undeclared work in the Horeca sector: Findings from North Macedonia

Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared work
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Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared work

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July

The newsletter covers the support the ILO CEE Office gave to Ukraine during the war, recent results in Albania, the Youth Guarantee in the Western Balkans, and new projects recently signed by the office. It is an important development that the...

A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining
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A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 March
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 March

This issue, among others, reports on the ILO response to the crisis in Ukraine caused by the aggression of the Russian Federation, after one year of war. The newsletter also introduces programme results and new projects, including an EU- and...

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 December
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 December

This issue reports on the ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. The ILO published its service offer for the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine through decent work promotion. The newsletter also introduces new beneficiary...

Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience
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Peak-level social dialogue and COVID-19: The European experience

This report outlines the role social dialogue played in designing response measures to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through six country case studies, it shows the value of social dialogue in times of crisis, and the pitfalls when dialogue did not take...

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 September
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 September

This issue, among others, reports on the ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. With ILO support, workers' and employers' organisations from Ukraine continue to provide emergency aid to internally displaced people and to...

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 June
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 June

This issue, first and foremost, reports on ILO response to the crisis caused by the war against Ukraine. The ILO, with the support of its funding partners, repurposed several projects in Ukraine to respond to the most urgent humanitarian and...

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 March
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2022 March

This issue reports on the work of the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe in Ukraine disrupted by the war, introduces a new project, programme results, several beneficiary stories, features fresh publications and new staff. Videos with Project...

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 December
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 December

This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results, several beneficiary stories and features a fresh publication and new staff. A video with a Technical Specialist...

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 September
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 September

This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features fresh publications and new staff. Videos with the Director and Technical...

Policy Proposal for Entrepreneurial Culture: Start-up and enterprise support services
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Policy Proposal for Entrepreneurial Culture: Start-up and enterprise support services

Barriers for Access to Finance for MSMEs in North Macedonia: Stock of existing data and knowledge
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Barriers for Access to Finance for MSMEs in North Macedonia: Stock of existing data and knowledge

Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in North Macedonia: Market Assessment
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Entrepreneurship Ecosystem in North Macedonia: Market Assessment

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 June
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 June

This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces beneficiary stories, programme results and new projects, and features ILO CEE collaborations, fresh publications and new staff.

Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses
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ILO Working paper 32

Digital Work in Eastern Europe: Overview of Trends, Outcomes, and Policy Responses

This paper presents the emergence and growth of digital labour markets in Eastern Europe over the period 1999-2019. It presents the profiles of digital workers, their working conditions and discusses how these are shaped by the business models of...