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Navigating transformational changes and transitions
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Final report

Navigating transformational changes and transitions

The automotive manufacturing sector in Thailand is undergoing significant transformations, largely driven by technological advancements and the shifts towards electric and other low-carbon vehicles as part of the green revolution.

Navigating transformational changes and transitions in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector
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Executive summary

Navigating transformational changes and transitions in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

The automotive manufacturing sector in Thailand is undergoing significant transformations, largely driven by technological advancements and the shifts towards electric and other low-carbon vehicles as part of the green revolution.

Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
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Fact sheet

Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition

Funded by the Government of Japan, the “Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition” project is part of the Automotive Supply Chain Programme in Thailand. The purpose is to harness opportunities to improve human capital,...

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector
Cover of the Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

Tripartism and social dialogue

Decent work and responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector

This research study provides an in-depth analysis of Thailand's automotive manufacturing supply chain and its status vis-à-vis decent work and responsible business conduct, particularly in the evolving context of global requirements for human...

Engaging multinational enterprises on more and better jobs
 Cover image - Engaging multinational enterprises

Engaging multinational enterprises on more and better jobs

The ILO approach to responsible global business - Sustainable Enterprises

Q2/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam
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Q2/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam

This update covers the period of April to June 2023.

Q1/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam
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Q1/2023 Update on the implementation of EU-funded projects in Viet Nam

This update covers the period of January to March 2023.

ILO Viet Nam’s 2022 second-half update on the implementation of the EU-funded projects in Viet Nam
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Projects update

ILO Viet Nam’s 2022 second-half update on the implementation of the EU-funded projects in Viet Nam

This update covers the period of June - December 2022.

Viet Nam’s electronics supply chain: Decent work challenges and opportunities
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Sustainable supply chains to build forward better

Viet Nam’s electronics supply chain: Decent work challenges and opportunities

The report assesses the electronics industry in Viet Nam, the largest export sector and one of the largest employers in Viet Nam, with the aim of understanding opportunities and challenges for advancing decent work during the post-COVID-19 recovery...

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature
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ILO Working paper 71

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature

This report sets out to analyse the emergence and distinctive impact of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development (CSR/SD) functions and professionals within organizations. By evaluating the literature on this topic, it seeks to...

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature - mobi
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ILO Working paper 71

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature - mobi

This report sets out to analyse the emergence and distinctive impact of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development (CSR/SD) functions and professionals within organizations. By evaluating the literature on this topic, it seeks to...

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature - epub
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ILO Working paper 71

How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature - epub

This report sets out to analyse the emergence and distinctive impact of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development (CSR/SD) functions and professionals within organizations. By evaluating the literature on this topic, it seeks to...

Driving change: A market systems analysis of responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive parts sector
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Responsible supply chains

Driving change: A market systems analysis of responsible business practices in Thailand’s automotive parts sector

The study was conducted to generate in depth knowledge and map the automotive sector in Thailand.

Labour practices in Viet Nam’s wooden furniture industry: Challenges and good practices
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Labour practices in Viet Nam’s wooden furniture industry: Challenges and good practices

Original research for the Responsible Supply Chains in Asia Programme.

Infographic: RSCA Programme in action
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Infographic: RSCA Programme in action

A summary of the programme's approach and impact.

Summary of the Report on The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8
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Summary of the Report on The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8

The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8 - Report of the ILO-WAIPA Survey of Investment Promotion Agencies on inclusive economic growth...
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The contribution of IPAs to achieving SDG 8 - Report of the ILO-WAIPA Survey of Investment Promotion Agencies on inclusive economic growth...

A self-assessment tool for enterprises based on the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social...
Publication cover

Self-assessment tool for enterprises

A self-assessment tool for enterprises based on the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social...

Labour Inspection Technical Note on strategic compliance planning for decent work in global supply chains
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Labour Inspection Technical Note on strategic compliance planning for decent work in global supply chains

Supplier guidance on preventing, identifying and addressing child labour
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Supplier guidance on preventing, identifying and addressing child labour

This document provides practical guidance for factories and other production sites to prevent child labour through effective age verification and the protection of young workers, and to effectively respond to it if it does occur.