All publications for topic
Executive summary
Navigating transformational changes and transitions in Thailand’s automotive manufacturing sector
The automotive manufacturing sector in Thailand is undergoing significant transformations, largely driven by technological advancements and the shifts towards electric and other low-carbon vehicles as part of the green revolution.
Final report
Navigating transformational changes and transitions
The automotive manufacturing sector in Thailand is undergoing significant transformations, largely driven by technological advancements and the shifts towards electric and other low-carbon vehicles as part of the green revolution.
Fact sheet
Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition
Funded by the Government of Japan, the “Skills Development and Responsible Business Conduct for Transition” project is part of the Automotive Supply Chain Programme in Thailand. The purpose is to harness opportunities to improve human capital,...
Lifelong learning
Skilling for future in PSEs: An ILO-SCOPE study on skills profiles in PSEs
Skills demand and supply assessment in the Chattogram-Cox's Bazar region, Bangladesh
Two-faceted assessment was conducted that included industry skills demand anticipation and skills supply in the Chattogram–Cox’s Bazar region, focusing on five priority economic sectors. The study provides strategic recommendations for fostering...
Skills development
Skills Matter!
The continuum of interventions allowed for meaningful changes in people’s lives, in institutions’ capacity, in companies’ productivity and in the way the TVET system operates. The ILO interventions, with the support of the European Union and...
Key achievements and highlights of the Young Futuremakers Thailand - Promoting Youth Employability project.
This study analyses the design, operation and achievements of the health insurance schemes of the Cambodian National Social Security Fund (NSSF), and proposes options and ideas for improvement of the healthcare system
Key achievements and highlights of the Young Futuremakers Thailand - Promoting Youth Employability project.
With the support of the Standard Chartered Foundation, the ILO delivered the “Young Futuremakers Thailand - Promoting Youth Employability” project from February 2021 - April 2022. The project supported disadvantaged youth, through the provision...
EMPLOYMENT Department Newsletter, March/April 2024
Policy brief
Strengthening apprenticeships for transitions to formality
Quality apprenticeships play a pivotal role in facilitating the transition from the informal to the formal economy. Key strategies for enhancing apprenticeships in the informal economy towards quality apprenticeships involve capitalizing on existing...
ILO in Syria Early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-hit areas (February – December 2023)
In response to multiple earthquakes that devastated Northern governorates of Syria, the International Labour Organization (ILO) mobilized internal crisis response funds to embark on employment-intensive infrastructure and livelihoods recovery...
Vulnerable youth, digital skills and vocational training in Latin America
ILO Working paper 105
What Is Driving Wealth Inequality in the United States of America? – The Role of Productivity, Taxation and Skills
This paper assesses the drivers of wealth inequality. While inequality between skilled and unskilled workers is due to differences in educational attainment, within-group inequality is due to differences in productivity across firms. Workers in more...
ILO Working paper 105
What Is Driving Wealth Inequality in the United States of America? - The Role of Productivity, Taxation and Skills (mobi)
This paper assesses the drivers of wealth inequality. While inequality between skilled and unskilled workers is due to differences in educational attainment, within-group inequality is due to differences in productivity across firms. Workers in more...
ILO Working paper 105
What Is Driving Wealth Inequality in the United States of America? - The Role of Productivity, Taxation and Skills (epub)
This paper assesses the drivers of wealth inequality. While inequality between skilled and unskilled workers is due to differences in educational attainment, within-group inequality is due to differences in productivity across firms. Workers in more...
Policy brief
How Skills and Employability initiatives contribute to peace in the framework of the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus
Skills development initiatives can help prevent conflict and strengthen peace in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. If designed or adapted appropriately, they can strengthen inclusive social dialogue and trust between groups and increase...
EMPLOYMENT Department Newsletter, January/February 2024
Guide - Mainstreaming gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and the prevention and response to sexual violence in...
The ILO Skills for Prosperity Programme worked on establishing new regulations in Indonesian TVET institutions to address sexual harassment and violence in higher education for the very first time. The work was completed with four state...
Manual - Mainstreaming gender equality, disability and social inclusion (GEDSI) and the prevention and response to sexual violence in...
The ILO Skills for Prosperity Programme worked on establishing new regulations in Indonesian TVET institutions to address sexual harassment and violence in higher education for the very first time. The work was completed with four state...
Skills Policies for Resilience
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