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Promoting effective grievance mechanisms for workers in Serbia
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Promoting effective grievance mechanisms for workers in Serbia

The ILO has joined forces with GIZ to provide better access to enterprise-level grievance mechanisms for workers in Serbian enterprises in Serbia that are part of the supply chains of German companies with better access to enterprise-level...

What does it take to improve social dialogue and promote better-quality employment in the Western Balkans?
Training of labour inspectors in Prizren, Kosovo

Employment and Social Affairs Platform

What does it take to improve social dialogue and promote better-quality employment in the Western Balkans?

Global Rights Index points to remaining challenges in workers’ rights in Central and Eastern Europe
Moldova LEP

Global Rights Index points to remaining challenges in workers’ rights in Central and Eastern Europe

It's World Day of safety and health at work!
Textile workers in Romania

It's World Day of safety and health at work!

ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024
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ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024

Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work
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Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work

Regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (entity Federation of BiH-- Sarajevo Canton and...
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Regional Peer Review Report of the Labour Inspectorates of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina (entity Federation of BiH-- Sarajevo Canton and...

Meet the Technical Specialist: Magnus Berge, Workers' organisations
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Meet the Technical Specialist: Magnus Berge, Workers' organisations

Shaping migration narratives: Insights from the ILO/OSCE E-MINDFUL project
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Shaping migration narratives: Insights from the ILO/OSCE E-MINDFUL project

Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared work
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Data mining and machine learning: Supporting labour inspectorates to address undeclared work

Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries
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Reflections on the introduction of Universal Labour Guarantee in selected Central and Eastern European countries

Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union...
Cover page


Workers’ representatives in selected Central and Eastern European countries: Filling a gap in labour rights protection or trade union...

ILO supports an improved normative framework and better capacities to combat child labour in Serbia
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Child labour

ILO supports an improved normative framework and better capacities to combat child labour in Serbia

Manual on grievance mechanisms
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Manual on grievance mechanisms

Retrospective on challenges and successes - Interview with Markus Pilgrim, Director of ILO Central and Eastern Europe stepping down
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Staff news

Retrospective on challenges and successes - Interview with Markus Pilgrim, Director of ILO Central and Eastern Europe stepping down

Serbia National Child Labour Survey 2021

Serbia National Child Labour Survey 2021

This report presents the results of the first Child Labour Survey conducted by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia in 2021 with technical support from the International Labour Organization (ILO) through the MAP16 project. The survey is...

At a glance - Serbia National Child Labour Survey 2021
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Fact sheet

At a glance - Serbia National Child Labour Survey 2021

The factsheet presents the key results of the Child Labour Survey 2021 and provides an overview of the child labour situation in Serbia.

Workers’ rights in Europe in decline, says ITUC Global Rights Index 2023
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Trade unions

Workers’ rights in Europe in decline, says ITUC Global Rights Index 2023

ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July
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ILO Budapest Newsletter 2023 July

The newsletter covers the support the ILO CEE Office gave to Ukraine during the war, recent results in Albania, the Youth Guarantee in the Western Balkans, and new projects recently signed by the office. It is an important development that the...

Rapid assessment of child labour in the streets of Serbia
Rapid assessment of child labour in the streets of Serbia

Rapid assessment of child labour in the streets of Serbia

The primary goal of the report is to increase the knowledge about child labour in the streets of Serbia and to provide the basis for creating new, effective policies and institutional responses to this social problem.