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East African Community strengthens regional response to social vulnerabilities
Delegates chairing a meeting of experts

The EAC Regional Meeting of Experts

East African Community strengthens regional response to social vulnerabilities

Somalia Advances Towards Safe Migration with Successful National Consultation Workshop and TWG Meeting
Participants of the National Consultation Workshop in Somalia

Somalia Advances Towards Safe Migration with Successful National Consultation Workshop and TWG Meeting

ILO CO-Addis new Country Director shares his vision
New Country Director of Ethiopia in his new office

New leadership for the ILO Country Office Addis Ababa

ILO CO-Addis new Country Director shares his vision

Bio: Mr. Khumbula Ndaba was the Deputy Director General (DDG) for Corporate Services at the National Department of Social Development of the Government the Republic of South Africa. He was a former trade unionist and worked for the South African...

Enhancing Social Protection for Migrant Workers: Challenges and Strategies in the East and Horn of Africa
Migrants riding over an open truck

Enhancing Social Protection for Migrant Workers: Challenges and Strategies in the East and Horn of Africa

Stakeholders discussed on skills partnerships for demand-driven labour migration
A skilled worker in safety suits


Stakeholders discussed on skills partnerships for demand-driven labour migration

A webinar discussed skills partnerships for labour migration. These partnerships can benefit everyone involved by making sure migrants have the skills employers need. This is done by training migrants before they leave and recognizing their skills...

ILO virtual workshop evaluates skills mapping for equitable labour migration
Skilled workers working in woodwork wearing safety suits

Better Regional Migration Management

ILO virtual workshop evaluates skills mapping for equitable labour migration

Collaborative Pathways for Labour Migration Governance in East and Horn of Africa
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Collaborative Pathways for Labour Migration Governance in East and Horn of Africa

Shaping Somalia's Labour Migration through the Development of Regulation for Private Employment Agencies
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Shaping Somalia's Labour Migration through the Development of Regulation for Private Employment Agencies

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Uganda

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Uganda

The assessment provided information on the national data needs, the type of data currently collected by the different institutions, their data collection, management, and dissemination practices, as well as the prospects for improving data sharing...

Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Tanzania
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Report on the Assessment of Sources of Data on International Labour Migration in Tanzania

The assessment provided information on the national data needs, the type of data currently collected by the different institutions, their data collection, management, and dissemination practices, as well as the prospects for improving data sharing...

MRC Implementation Agreement Signing and Motorbike's Handover Ceremony
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MRC Implementation Agreement Signing and Motorbike's Handover Ceremony

Shaping Narratives, Changing Lives: The Role of Media in Labour Migration
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Shaping Narratives, Changing Lives: The Role of Media in Labour Migration

The BRMM programme is organising a capacity building workshop dedicated to raising awareness on labour migration dynamics among local and international media outlets, as well as to emphasise the importance of providing adequate coverage on labour...

Decent Work Country Programme for Somalia 2023 - 2025
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Decent Work Country Programme

Decent Work Country Programme for Somalia 2023 - 2025

The Somalia Decent Work Country Programme 2023-2025is the product of an extensive consultative and participatory process with the ILO tripartite constituents, i.e., the Government, employers and workers.

Advancing Labour Migration Governance and Protecting Workers' Rights in Africa
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Advancing Labour Migration Governance and Protecting Workers' Rights in Africa

From Challenges to Opportunities: Entrepreneurship Training for Kenya's Returned Migrant Workers
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From Challenges to Opportunities: Entrepreneurship Training for Kenya's Returned Migrant Workers

Unveiling Trends, Practices, and Opportunities in Skills Development Across Southern, East, and Horn of Africa
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Unveiling Trends, Practices, and Opportunities in Skills Development Across Southern, East, and Horn of Africa

Reinforcing Commitment and Fostering Action for Migrant Workers' Rights
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Reinforcing Commitment and Fostering Action for Migrant Workers' Rights

Strategic Collaboration for Labour Migration
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Strategic Collaboration for Labour Migration

Building Capacity for Change: Uganda's 2nd TWG Meeting on Labour Migration
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Building Capacity for Change: Uganda's 2nd TWG Meeting on Labour Migration

Building Capacity for Change: Uganda's 2nd TWG Meeting on Labour Migration
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Building Capacity for Change: Uganda's 2nd TWG Meeting on Labour Migration