All resources for country
Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) Project
Project Media toolkit on “Reporting on Labour Migration in the SADC region” and Media competition awards ceremony
Decent Work for Construction - RAF/21/14/SWE – 007/2024
Documenting good practices on linking decent working conditions
Partnership with South African Footwear and Leather Export Council (SAFLEC)
ILO supports specialized design workshops to strengthen designer capabilities in 50 SMEs from the South African footwear and leather sector
Decent Work for Construction Project
Comparative Analysis of Maternity Protection and Gender Equity Regulations and Practices in SADC’s Construction Sector
Employment Intensive Investment Programme
Celebrating 20 years of ILO collaboration with South Africa’s Expanded Public Works Programme
Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms
Supported by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Department of Labour conducted workshops to address critical issues like child labour, alongside efforts to foster fair labour practices.Covering a broad spectrum of topics, workshops...
ILO Working paper 109
Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries
This report provides a comprehensive evaluation of the institutional and labour relations regimes in six African countries: Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco, Mozambique, and South Africa with a special emphasis on promoting decent working conditions...
Equipping South Africa’s workforce for a just transition through up-skilling and re-skilling: Identification of target occupations and...
SCORE Training
ILO and Government of Flanders join forces to strengthen productivity in South Africa
An update on how productivity and decent work are being boosted in South African SMEs
Planning session
Coordination with the Limpopo Department of Public Works Roads and Infrastructure
Country Study
The employment effects of industrial symbiosis networks in the South African informal sector
This report deals with the employment effects of industrial symbiosis in the provinces of Gauteng and the Western Cape in South Africa. It focuses on the textile and construction value chains and formalization.
Request for Proposals (RFP): Scoping exercise of the leather and footwear sector in Lesotho
Request for Proposals (RFP): Textile & clothing value chain mapping and analysis of demand and supply relations between Basotho firms and...
Decent Work in Construction project engages SMME's in Ethekwini
Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work South Africa
From shop floor to success: Understanding productivity and decent work challenges in South African SMEs
Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work South Africa
Factory Visits: Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work Project Advisory Committee
Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work South Africa
From shop floor to success: Understanding productivity and decent work challenges in South African SMEs
A focus on Child Labour in the Agricultural Sector
Employment-Intensive Investment Programme in South Africa
The Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) is a short to medium term intervention of the Government of South Africa which seeks to address the triad national challenges of unemployment, poverty and inequality through employment creation in provision...
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