Asia and the Pacific
Asia and the Pacific is one of the most diverse regions of the world. The population of more than four billion people includes some of the wealthiest countries on earth as well as two-thirds of the world’s poor.
In recent years the region has faced challenges that have seriously tested its social-economic infrastructure, not least the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, the tectonic shifts in the world of work brought about by drivers such as digitization, migration and climate change generate new challenges.
The ILO works with its members in the region to deal with these and other issues. Institution building, policy support and local economic development play a critical role in social and economic progress. Respect for fundamental principles and rights at work helps to ensure that all sections of society benefit.
Significant challenges remain, including increasing productive and decent employment opportunities, providing adequate social protection, and responding to crises such as the COVID pandemic. Other key issues include human trafficking, forced labour and child labour, the informal economy, migration, poverty alleviation, safety and health in the workplace, equality and inclusion as well as skills, employability and youth employment.

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Latest news and stories

Historia de impacto
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Discapacidad y trabajo
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6 - 9 December 2022, Singapore
17ª Reunión Regional de la OIT para Asia y el Pacífico

Future Leaders in the World of Work Summer University, 29 July – 9 August 2024
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Projects and programmes
El trabajo decente en las cadenas mundiales de suministro
Cadenas de suministro para un futuro del trabajo sostenible
Trabajo decente en las cadenas mundiales de suministro
Cadenas de suministro sostenibles para reconstruir mejor

Development Cooperation Dashboard
The dashboard offers interactive visualizations of ILO development cooperation projects across Asia and the Pacific

Asia-Pacific labour market insights
Learn more from the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
The Regional Office in Bangkok supports work in 36 member countries, from Afghanistan to the Pacific Islands and from Mongolia to New Zealand. Two teams of decent work specialists, based in Bangkok and New Delhi, provide a range of technical services and expertise that support work throughout the region and provide assistance to the ILO’s constituents - governments, workers' and employers’ organizations. In addition, there are country, liaison or project offices in 22 countries in the region.
Work with us
ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
United Nations Building, Rajdamnern Nok Avenue
Bangkok 10200
Tel: +662 288 1234
Fax: +662 280 1735
Email: BANGKOK@ilo.org