Technical Brief

Brief - Impact Study on Water and Gender: The Experience of the Province of Maguindanao in the Philippines

The study's focus was to underscore gender-inclusive solutions to water scarcity in rural settings. The study was carried out in three (3) villages located in the Province of Maguindanao del Sur highlighting the experience of the beneficiaries and systematically examining the impact and success factors more than a year after the completion of the project “Improvement of Water Supply Equipment Management Capacity for the Establishment of Peace in Mindanao”. The project was implemented (2019-2022) in the mainland provinces of Maguindanao, Lanao del Sur, and the Special Geographic Areas (SGAs) of North Cotabato in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) of the Philippines. Funded by the Government of Japan through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, it was designed to promote decent work and help alleviate poverty in communities prone to conflict through improved access to safe and reliable water supply and sanitation services.

The findings offer valuable insights useful for the subscription to global goals as well as for the  enhancement of water policies, employment creation, and inclusive infrastructure development for lower-income and conflict-prone communities. Also, the set of recommendations based on lessons are expected to inform programme delivery. 

Full Report – Impact Study on Water and Gender: The Experience of the Province of Maguindanao in the Philippines

Impact Study on Water and Gender: The Experience of the Province of Maguindanao in the Philippines
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Impact Study

Impact Study on Water and Gender: The Experience of the Province of Maguindanao in the Philippines

Improvement of Water Supply Equipment Management Capacity for the Establishment of Peace in Mindanao
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Peace and development

Improvement of Water Supply Equipment Management Capacity for the Establishment of Peace in Mindanao

Employment-intensive investment
Worker removing debris in the Philippines

Employment-intensive investment

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