Call for consultants
14 May 2024
- Call for proposals: Consultant for the development of the Philippine Employment Forecasting Model and Report. Deadline: 15 July 2024
- Call for consultants: Activity coordinator and documenter. Deadline: 24 May 2024
- Call for consultants: Rapid assessment of value chain potentials of the coconut sector in Siargao . Deadline: 5 January 2024
- Call for consultants: Documenter for conciliation and mediation training . Deadline: 29 November 2023
- Call for consultants: Creative director to design, organize and direct the cultural show / performance during the Safe and Fair Philippines culminating and results-sharing activity . Deadline: 17 November 2023
- Call for consultants: Activity coordination and logistical and administrative support on the preparations and implementation of the Safe and Fair concluding activities in November-December 2023 . Deadline: 26 October 2023
- Call for consultants: Activity coordination and logistical and administrative support on the preparations and implementation of the Safe and Fair (SAF)-Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) joint activities in November-December 2023 . Deadline: 26 October 2023
- Call for consultants: Production of communications materials for the project Improving Workers Rights in the Rural Sector of the Indo-Pacific, with a focus on women . Deadline: 25 October 2023
- Call for consultants: Layout artist for the publication of the Safe and Fair’s knowledge products . Deadline: 8 September 2023
- Call for consultants: Layout artist for the Report and policy brief on “Promoting Productive Employment and Skills Development in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)” . Deadline: 7 August 2023
- Call for consultants: Project documenter of activities for the project on Improving Workers Rights in the Rural Sector of the Indo-Pacific, with a focus on women . Deadline: 18 July 2023
- Call for consultants: Endline assessment for the “Bridging Recruitment to Reintegration in Migration Governance: Philippines” (BRIDGE) Project . Deadline: 10 July 2023
- Call for consultants: Facilitate the standardization of the employment contract of Filipino migrant fishers . Deadline: 23 June 2023
- Call for consultants: Market assessment on career guidance for youth in the Philippines . Deadline: 12 June 2023
- Call for consultants: Assessment of the data collection and management practices on Overseas Bangsamoro Workers (OBWs) . Deadline: 10 March 2023
- Call for consultants: Mid-term evaluation: Improving workers’ rights in the Rural Sectors of the Indo-Pacific, with a focus on women . Deadline: 9 March 2023
- Call for consultants: IT to develop the Quezon City Migrant Resource Centre (QC MRC) database . Deadline 10 March 2023
- Call for consultants: Development of a board game on Occupational Safety and Health for fishers . Deadline: 2 March 2023
- Call for consultants: IT to develop the Quezon City Migrant Resource Centre (QC MRC) Database
Deadline 10 February 2023 - Call for consultants: Community coordinator to oversee the development of the pre-departure orientation information package specific to Filipino migrant fishers
Deadline 10 February 2023 - Call for consultants: Support to the media engagement component of the Ship to Shore Rights SEA project in collaboration with the Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication
Deadline 10 February 2023 - Call for consultants: Translation of the Trainee's booklet on financial education for micro, small and informal enterprises in the Philippines from English to Ilocano
Deadline 10 February 2023 - Call for consultants: Translation of the Trainee's booklet on financial education for micro, small and informal enterprises in the Philippines from English to Cebuano
Deadline 10 February 2023
- Call for consultants: Development of the case management documentation and reporting tools/guide and capacity-building of Quezon City Migrant Resource Center (MRC) and service providers
Deadline: 2 December 2022 - Call for consultants: Facilitate cross-border capacity building sessions on OFW reintegration between the Quezon City Migrant Resource Center and reintegration service providers in pilot corridors . Deadline: 2 December 2022
- Call for consultants: Translation of the Trainee's Booklet on Financial Education for micro, small and informal enterprises in the Philippines from English to Ilocano . Deadline 29 November 2022
- Call for consultants: Translation of the Trainee's Booklet on Financial Education for micro, small and informal enterprises in the Philippines from English to Cebuano . Deadline 29 November 2022
- Call for consultants: Translation of the Trainee's Booklet on Financial Education for micro, small and informal enterprises in the Philippines from English to Filipino . Deadline 29 November 2022
- Call for consultants: Conduct of Training of Trainers on SIYB adapted to the Philippines . Deadline: 3 November 2022
- Call for consultants: Localize the Migrant Resource Center (MRC) manual of operations . Deadline: 30 September 2022
- Call for consultants: Documenter for the Participatory Action Oriented Training (PAOT) . Deadline:16 September 2022
- Call for consultants: Production of photographs on "Working Conditions in the Rural Sectors with a focus on Women" . Deadline: 12 September 2022
- Call for consultants: Development of FAQ materials and matrix of compliance for the Labour Statistics Convention, 1985 (No. 160) . Deadline: 2 September 2022
- Call for consultants: National trainer for Sustaining Competitive and Resilient Enterprises (SCORE) . Deadline: 22 August 2022
- Call for consultants: Project documenter . Deadline: 19 August 2022
- Call for consultants: Research and technical paper on the multi-lens rapid analysis of Philippine health laws and policies relevant to Overseas Filipino Workers and their families . Deadline: 15 August 2022
- Call for consultants: Internal mid-term evaluator . Deadline: 15 August 2022
- Call for consultants: Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) National expert to conduct Training of Trainers on SIYB adapted to the Philippines . Deadline: 15 August 2022
- Call for consultants: Documenter for a forum on Fair and Ethical Recruitment and ILO Convention No. 181 with Private Recruitment Associations . Deadline: 26 July 2022
- Call for consultants: Capacity-building of local service providers and strengthening of migration services and programmes in Region V . Deadline: 12 July 2022
- Call for consultants: Capacity-building of local service providers and strengthening of migration services and programmes in Region VI . Deadline: 22 June 2022
- Call for consultants: Transcriber for the sectoral consultations and key informant interviews for the development of the Bangsamoro Regional Action Plan on Child Labour (BRAP-CL) . Deadline: 12 June 2022
- Call for consultants: International expert for the Implementation of the Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Programme . Deadline: 30 May 2022
- Call for consultants: International expert for the Implementation of the Sustaining Competitive and Responsible Enterprises (SCORE) Programme . Deadline: 20 May 2022
- Call for consultants: Layout artist for the report on Promoting Productive Employment and Skills Development in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) . Deadline: 20 May 2022
- Call for consultants: Technical paper on analyzing and recommending improvements with respect to unilateral social protection measures for Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) . Deadline: 17 May 2022
- Call for consultants: Technical assistance for capacity-enhancement of private recruitment agencies and strengthening of grievance and feedback mechanisms . Deadline: 22 April 2022
- Call for consultants: Develop a technical note on the impact of migration on OFWs and families, especially children, recommending inputs on recruitment-reintegration practices . Deadline: 21 April 2022
- Call for consultants: Technical Editor to review and edit the report on Exploring opportunities for economic diversification and productive employment in the Philippines . Deadline: 25 March 2022
- Call for consultants: Transcriber for Focused Group Discussion . Deadline: 11 March 2022
- Call for consultants: Researcher for the scoping study on recruitment practices, including skills requirements related to Filipino migrant fishers for deployment onto foreign-flagged fleets . Deadline: 11 March 2022
- Call for consultants: External collaborator for Innovation Hubs . Deadline: 24 February 2022
- Call for consultants: Production of animated videos on Improving Working Conditions of Women Rural Workers . Deadline:11 February 2022
- Call for consultants: Final Independent Evaluation of the RSCA Programme . Deadline: 31 January 2022
- Call for consultants: Technical assistance for the implementation of the innovation hubs . Deadline: 21 January 2022
- Call for consultants: Final Independent Evaluation of the ILO Water and Sanitation Project . Deadline: 19 January 2022
- Call for consultants: Impact and needs assessment: ILO response to Super Typhoon Rai (Odette) . Deadline: January 2022
- Call for consultants: Advocacy and communication planning workshop and training sessions for workers groups . Deadline: 22 December 2021
- Call for consultants: Develop and facilitate a Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Workshop for Workers’ Organizations . Deadline : 17 December 2021
- Call for consultants: Recognition of prior learning as instrument for employment formalization, progression, reintegration and lifelong learning: A Review of RPL in the Philippines . Deadline: 15 December 2021
- Call for consultants: Translation of the ILO Financial Education Guidelines for digital adaptation from Spanish to English . Deadline: 1 December 2021
- Call or consultants: Layout artist for the of the ILO Financial Education Training Materials for MSMEs and informal business owners in the Philippines . Deadline: 24 November 2021
- Call for consultants: Copyeditor and layout artist for the report: Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) Labour Administration and Inspection Assessment . Deadline: 23 November 2021
- Call for consultants: Filipino translation of the ILO training module on labour rights and standards for the use of the Commission on Human Rights . Deadline: 16 November 2021
- Call for consultants: Filipino translation of the ILO training manual for workers on case documentation and monitoring of violations on freedom of associations and collective bargaining . Deadline: 16 November 2021
- Call for consultants: Copyediting and layout artist for the ILO training manual for workers on case documentation and monitoring of violations on freedom of association and collective bargaining . Deadline: 10 November 2021
- Call for consultants: Copyediting and layout artist for the ILO training module on labour rights and standards for the use of the Commission on Human Rights . Deadline: 10 November 2021
- Call for consultants: Context-specific technical inputs on the baseline study and sectoral assessment of working conditions in the rural sectors . Deadline: 22 October 2021
- Call for consultants: Copyedit and layout of the ILO Japan water and sanitation project briefers and PowerPoint presentation . Deadline: 20 October 2021
- Call for consultants: Technical editor to review and edit the Report on the “Promoting Productive Employment and Skills Development in Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)” . Deadline: 17 October 2021, 12:00 noon in Manila
- Call for consultants: Documenter for meetings/events to be organized by Safe and Fair-Philippines between October 2021 and March 2022 . Deadline: 15 October 2021, 5:00 pm in Manila
- Call for consultants: Action research on progress and challenges of technology-driven formalization as applied to domestic workers in the Philippines . Deadline: 29 August 2021, 12:00 noon in Manila
- Call for consultants: Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and lifelong learning for the Skills for Prosperity (SfP) Project –Philippines . Deadline: 27 August 2021, 12:00 noon in Manila
- Call for consultants: Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and lifelong learning for Skills for Prosperity (SfP) Project –Philippines . Deadline: 20 August 2021, 12:00 noon in Manila
- Call for consultants: Action research on progress and challenges of e-formalization as applied to domestic workers in the Philippines . Deadline:11 August 2021, 5:00 p.m., in Manila
- Call for consultants: Researcher/writer to develop a concept note and technical guide of the OFW Reintegration Advisor and Referral Pathways . Deadline: 12 July 2021, 4:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Video production and photo coverage of the ILO Japan Water and Sanitation Project's launch of three water systems in Maguindanao . Deadline: 10 June 2021
- Call for consultants: Filipino translator-writer for the Safe and Fair Glossary . Deadline: 7 June 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: National expert on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) Digitalization Inception for the project “Bringing Back Jobs Safely under the COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines: Rebooting Small and Informal Businesses Safely and Digitally . Deadline: 21 May 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: National expert on COVID OSH Inception for the project "Bringing Back Jobs Safely under the COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines: Rebooting Small and Informal Businesses Safety and Digitally" . Deadline: 21 May 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: IT or digital expert/firm for the Digitalized training manual for workers on case documentation and monitoring of violations on freedom of association and collective bargaining . Deadline: 20 April 2021, 11:59 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Feasibility study on designing an integrated online labour dispute resolution and case management system within the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) . Deadline: 20 April 2021, 11:59 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Institution for finalizing the elements of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) of the Philippines . Deadline 15 April 2021, 4:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Labour market situation analysis and opportunities for development partner support on productive employment and skills development in the Philippines . Deadline 13 April 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Study of multi-party partnerships in TVET towards social equity in workforce inclusion and poverty reduction . Deadline: 5 April 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Layout artist for the report on gender and social inclusion in the Philippine TVET Sector: A scoping review . Deadline: 5 April 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) competency standards development for Skills for Prosperity (SfP) Project - Philippines . Deadline: 4 April 2021, 4:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) Competency Standards Development for Skills for Prosperity (SfP) Project –Philippines . Deadline: 4 April 2021, 4:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Public-Private Partnership for TVET Financing and Delivery, Skills for Prosperity Project – Philippines . Deadline: 24 March 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Rewriting and copyediting of the report on gender and social Inclusion in the Philippine TVET Sector: A scoping review . Deadline: 19 March 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Master of ceremony and moderator for the Technical webinar on Corporate Social Responsibility/ Responsible Business Conduct for policymakers . Deadline: 10 March 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Finalizing the elements of the Social Protection Floor (SPF) of the Philippines . Deadline 4 March 2021, 12:00 p.m. in Manila.
- Call for consultants: Facilitating the online job readiness training for women in ICT-related work . Deadline: 23 February 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Redesigning of ILO CO-Manila office premises . Deadline: 8 February 2021, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Implementing partner to provide technical guidance towards enhancing the TVET and Labour Market Information Systems in the Philippines . Deadline 27 January 2021, 5:30 p.m.
- Call for consultants: : Provision of technical guidance towards enhancing the TVET and labour market information (LMI) system in the Philippines . Deadline: 11 January 2021, 5:30 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Production and dissemination of immersive employer-migrant domestic worker experience in Hong Kong for the ILO Integrated Programme of Fair Recruitment (FAIR II)
Deadline: 18 December 2020, 5:30 pm in Manila - Call for consultants: Monitoring, reporting, evaluating and learning (MREL) Skills for Prosperity – Southeast Asia Programme . Deadline: 11 December 2020, 5:30 pm in Manila
- Call for consultants: Research on "Unlocking opportunities to build a better normal: Toward gender responsive and resilient MSMEs in the manufacturing & support industries in the Philippines". Deadline: 4 November 2020, 5:00 pm in Manila
- Call for consultants: Consultant or institution for the research on economic diversification, productive employment and skill sdevelopmenyt through labour market and supply chain analysis in the Philippines” . Deadline: 2 November 2020, 5:00 pm in Manila
- Call for consultants: Video production, livestream coverage and photo documentation of the ILO Japan Water and Sanitation Project's launch of the first water system . Deadline 28 October 2020
- Call for consultants: Layout artist for the report on the “COVID-19 labour market impact in the Philippines: Assessment and national policy responses” . Deadline: 8 October 2020,12:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Copy and content editing of the report on the COVID-19 labour market impact in the Philippines: Assessment and national policy responses . Deadline:14 September, 12:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Promoting productive employment and skills development in BARMM . Deadline: 2 September 2020, 4:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Layout artist for the Future of Work in the Philippines report . Deadline: 21 August 2020, 12:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Copy and content editing of the Future of Work in the Philippines report . Deadline: 17 August 2020, 12:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Development of brief on labour inspection . Deadline: 17 August 2020
- Call for consultants: Study on the area and sectoral assessment for subnational pilot . Deadline: 10 April 2020, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants on the Future of Work in the Philippines Component 3: Consultations with representatives of government, employers and workers, selected industry and other stakeholders . Deadline: 1 April 2020
- Call for consultants on the Future of Work in the Philippines Component 1: Mapping and assessment of policy responses and initiatives related to Industry 4.0 . Deadline: 1 April 2020
- Call for consultants: Media coordinator for the launch of #WOMENCANDOIT ILO-TESDA scholarship programme . Deadline: 14 March 2020
- Call for consultants: Event organizer for the launch of #WOMENCANDOIT ILO-TESDA scholarship programme . Deadline: 14 March 2020
- Call for consultants: Gender and Social Inclusion (GSI) Skills for Prosperity - Southeast Asia/Philippines . Deadline: 27 February 2020, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: In Business soft skills external collaborator for the ILO Women in STEM Workforce Readiness and Development Programme in Cebu . Deadline: 14 February 2020, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: In Business soft skills external collaborator for the ILO Women in STEM Workforce Readiness and Development Programme . Deadline: 14 February 2020, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Study on the Innovations and challenges in the digital traceability . Deadline: 9 October 2019
- Call for consultants: Study on Mandatory requirements and voluntary certifications for agro-food exports towards safe, fair and sustainable food supply chains in Asia . Deadline: 9 October 2019
- Call for consultants: Study on the Fintech Innovations for Small Farmers, Fisherfolks and SMEs towards Safe, Fair and Sustainable Food Supply Chains in Southeast Asia . Deadline: 9 October 2019
- Call for consultants: Diagnostic study on the thematic policies in the Philippines for the formalization of the informal enterprises . Deadline: 9 October 2019
- Call for consultants: Event coordinator for the trade unions and Sustainable Development Goals . Deadline: 2 October 2019
- Call for consultants: Development of an online Post-Arrival Orientation Seminar (PAOS) learning system . Deadline: 30 September 2019
- Call for consultants: Master of ceremony and moderator ILO-OECD-ECOP Technical Seminar on the Implementation of International Expectations and Standards on CSR/Responsible Business Conduct for Agri-Business . Deadline: 15 July 2019
- Call for consultants: Production and scripting of a three-minute film to feature trade union work and services in support of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Hong Kong and review/editing of draft Post-Arrival Orientation Seminars (PAOs) modular videos . Deadline: 10 July 2019
- Second call for consultants: Philippine laws, policies, agreements pertinent to women migrant workers: The enforcement of recruitment regulations; and improving women’s access to regular and semi-skilled migration . Deadline: 21 June 2019
- Second call for consultants: Research for the study on the fruits and vegetable supply chains in the Philippines and responsible business conduct towards economic and social upgrading . Deadline: 10 June 2019, 5:00 p.m. in Manila
- Call for consultants: Mitigating the risks of violence and exploitation of women OFWs: Taking stock of policies and responses, developing training tools, building the capacity of local and national actors . Deadline: 7 June 2019
- Call for consultant: Research and analytical paper on local government migration governance; and mapping of services, migrant resource centers (MRCs) and programmes for women OFWs . Deadline: 30 May 2019
- Call for consultants: Research for the study on the fruits and vegetable supply chains in the Philippines and Responsible Business Conduct towards economic and social upgrading . Deadline: 22 April 2019
- Call for consultants: Researcher and documenter for adaptation of labour-CSR material and co-facilitation of CSR training . Deadline: 28 February 2019
- Call for consultants: Events organizer for the UN International Day for Women and Girls in Science and STEM Leader Forum . Deadline: 22 February 2019
- Call for consultants: Development of a customized training module within the Women in STEM Workforce Readiness and Development Programme . Deadline: 11 February 2019
- Call for consultants: Communications and visibility specialist . Deadline: 27 January 2019
- Call for consultants: Conduct of "A study on Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) in non-traditional coconut export sectors in the Philippines" . Deadline: 19 October 2018
- Call for consultants: Technical capacity for the conduct of "A Study on Mapping Trade Mechanisms" . Deadline: 19 October 2018
- Call for consultants: Production and scripting of a five-minute film to document the results and accomplishments of the FAIR Project in the Philippines . Deadline: 5 October 2018
- Call for consultants: Child labour local registry system . Deadline: 19 February 2018
- Call for consultants: Adaptation of communication toolboxes . Deadline: 7 January 2018
- Call for consultants: Development of the capacity of youth organizations on OSH-related concerns . Deadline: 27 January 2018
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Request for bids
Request for bids