Transport sector - Civil aviation
The civil aviation sector plays a crucial role in economic, social and sustainable development and is vital for the transport of passengers and delivery of time-sensitive and high-value goods. The sector is one in which connectivity, growth and quality service have gone hand in hand with the development of technical policies and regulations that ensure its safety and security. Investment in sustainable aviation ecosystems has a strong impact on the employment and supply chains of related sectors, including travel, tourism, and health. Connectivity by air is crucial for small island, developing, landlocked countries and geographically isolated regions.
Geneva, 24-28 April 2023
Technical meeting on a green, sustainable and inclusive economic recovery for the civil aviation sector
Joint Action Group to review the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world’s transport workers and the global supply chain (JAG-TSC)
Geneva, 28 April 2023
Conclusions and recommendations adopted by the Technical meeting
The ILO’s work in the civil aviation sector - Draft compendium (1947-2022)
ILO Working paper 117
Women and aviation: Quality jobs, attraction and retention