Maritime Labour Convention
Comoros joins international efforts to protect seafarers’ rights
Comoros is the 106th Member State of the ILO to have ratified the MLC, 2006
31 May 2024
On 18 of February 2024, the International Labour Office received the instrument of ratification of the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006) by the Union of the Comoros. This ratification represents a new important step towards the universal application of the Convention. It highlights Comoros’ commitment to ensuring decent working and living conditions for seafarers and a level-playing field for shipowners.
The MLC, 2006, an innovative and comprehensive instrument often known as “the seafarers’ bill of rights”, is the fourth pillar of the international regulatory regime for the maritime sector, alongside three important Conventions of the International Maritime Organization dealing with safety of life at sea, pollution and training of seafarers.
The MLC, 2006 will enter into force for Comoros on 18 February 2025, that is one year after its ratification. For further information, please visit the MLC, 2006 webpage.