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An Indonesian women working at the fish processing factory in Manado

Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP) for Indonesia 2020-2025

The DWCP is taking into account national employment priorities and global development targets, including Making Indonesia 4.0, Roadmap of Vocational Development Policy in Indonesia 2017-2025 and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

© Fauzan Azhima/ILO

Based on a series of reviews and consultations among the tripartite partners three priorities are determined as follows:

  1. Effective social dialogue that promotes sustainable business and workers’ welfare
  2. Job creation and youth employment
  3. Enhancing protection for vulnerable groups of workers


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  • ILO

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Indonesia launches its Decent Work Country Programme 2020-2025 (DWCP) as a response to the fast changing world of work

Launch of Decent Work Country Programme for Indonesia 2020-2025
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Launch of Decent Work Country Programme for Indonesia 2020-2025