#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Factsheet: Ratification of ILO Employment Services Conventions

This document contains information on ILO Conventions C88 and C181, as well as frequently asked questions (FAQs).

ILO Conventions No. 88 and No. 181 promote the fundamental roles of both public and private employment services in serving workers and employers.

In assuring a human-centred and job-rich recovery from crises, it is important that more countries ratify and implement both C88 and C181. Wider ratification and effective implementation of both conventions is crucial to support resilient labour markets that are better prepared to achieving full and productive employment and decent work.

For more information on this, contact normes@ilo.org.

How to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies
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Step by step guide

How to ratify ILO Conventions No. 88 on Employment Services and No. 181 on Private Employment Agencies

Promoting the ratification of the Employment Services Convention No. 88
Convention No. 88 Brochure Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Promoting the ratification of the Employment Services Convention No. 88

Promoting the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181
Convention No. 181 Brochure Cover

#RatifyC88 #RatifyC181

Promoting the ratification of the Private Employment Agencies Convention No. 181

ILO Launches Ratification Campaign to Broaden Adoption of its Key Employment Services Conventions
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News item

ILO Launches Ratification Campaign to Broaden Adoption of its Key Employment Services Conventions