Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
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Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in the Cotton Supply Chain in Pakistan: RISE for Impact – A New Phase, A New Vision
The project funded by INDITEX aim to scale up the community model developed under the first phase of the project, in order to foster a partnership approach among the actors for enhanced respect for FPRW in cotton growing communities and a sustainable cotton
supply chain in Pakistan.
To scale up the community model developed under the first phase of the project, in order to foster a partnership approach among the actors for enhanced respect for FPRW in cotton growing communities and a sustainable cotton supply chain in Pakistan.
Main activities
This project will contribute to promoting decent work in the cotton supply chain by strengthening the implementation of all five FPRWs in Pakistan. It will also support social dialogue at the global, industry, workplace and community level to support a viable system of industrial relations. This will be done through:
Conducting studies and mappings to improve the knowledge base on FPRW.
Developing and implement a strategy to eliminate gender discrimination at farm level.
Awareness raising campaigns on FPRW for cotton growing communities and local stakeholders.
Capacity building on FPRW for cotton growing communities and other key stakeholders.
Advocating with and mobilizing policymakers to include agricultural workers in the scope of protection of the laws and policies as relevant, including to give them access to social protection and ensure their organizations can be officially registered.
Analysing relevant policies and programmes of the government and social partners on FPRW, and closing the identified gaps as appropriate.
Project outcomes
1. Cotton growing communities are better aware and empowered to assert FPRW. 2. Institutions (ILO constituents and other stakeholders) are capacitated to realize FPRW for cotton growing communities in a sustainable manner. 3. Global stakeholders have better access to knowledge and tools to promote FPRW in cotton growing communities