Moldova LEP

Global Rights Index points to remaining challenges in workers’ rights in Central and Eastern Europe

The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) released its 11th Global Rights Index. The report shows a steady decline in access to workers’ rights around the globe. Comparing the datasets from the last 11 years shows that Europe is part of the global trend. 

19 June 2024

Workers of a small enterprise in Calarasi, Moldova in 2021 © ILO

Budapest (ILO News) - The Global Rights Index ranks countries in the world on a scale from 1 (best) to 5+ (worst). Countries are ranked based on analysis with indicators derived from ILO conventions, and looks at violations of rights both in law and practice.   

Central and Eastern Europe shows a mixed picture. According to the report, more than half of the countries in the region violates the right to strike and to collective bargaining. The average score for European countries went down from 2.56 in 2023 to 2.73 in 2024. Over the last decade, the average score in Europe dropped from 1.84 to 2.73, indicating the steepest decline in rights at work of any region in the world.      

At the same time, improved rating was recorded in one Central and Eastern European country: Romania. Meanwhile, Bulgaria has introduced laws to better protect workers rights.  While a steep decline is recorded in Europe, the region still has a better score than other regions of the world.   

Key changes in workers’ rights in Central and Eastern Europe 

The score for Romania improved from a rating of 4, indicating “systematic violations for rights” to rating 3, which indicates “regular violations of rights”.    

Between 2022 and 2023, North Macedonia moved in the opposite direction, and fell from rating 3 to 4. This year, North Macedonia has not made progress, and remains with rating 4. In the report,  ITUC expresses concerns over the North Macedonian supreme court decision to legitimise the forceful transfer of union property to the state.   

For Albania, Hungary, Moldova and Montenegro, the report underscores that excessively broad definition of essential services is used to restrict or ban strikes. Montenegro and Moldova maintain their rating at 2, indicating “repeated violations of rights”. Albania received rating 3, the same rating as in 2023, while Hungary stays at rating 4. The same rating (4) was given to Serbia.     

Ukraine was not rated in 2023, due to the Russian Federation’s aggression against the country. This year, Ukraine is back on the list. It has the lowest score in Central and Eastern Europe, with the rating 5, indicating “no guarantee of rights”. The report draws attention to the Ukrainian emergency laws and their impact on fundamental labour rights and workers’ bargaining power.  

On the positive side, the report shows progress in Bulgaria. Through the efforts of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (CITUB), criminal charges can now be brought against any employer found to be violating trade union rights. This is a significant step towards increased protections to workers and unionists. While Bulgaria remains at rating 3 in the report, the positive development is underscored.  

In Georgia, the rating has not  changed since last year. The index shows that regular violations do occur (score 3).  

ILO support for workers’ rights in Europe  

In Central and Eastern Europe, the ILO continues to support unions’ efforts to protect workers from rights violations.  Trade unions in the region have established better legal services for members, and workers continue to use the mobile application that trade unions developed for workers report violations of rights and unsafe working condition, that was first developed for North Macedonia.  

ILO also supports the trade union efforts to influence labour law changes and initiate robust legal frameworks for workers’ rights that are in line with the International Labour Standards.   


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