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Governance and Tripartism Department (GOVERNANCE)

Mission and vision

The Governance and Tripartism Department (GOVERNANCE) provides advice and assistance on a range of topics related to the governance of labour and employment relations. It provides technical inputs for labour law reforms based on ILO conventions and recommendations. It renders state-of-the-art technical support and capacity-building to labour inspectorates and labour administrations in general and assists in developing strategies to achieve compliance with labour laws and occupational safety and health standards. It advocates and helps constituents to build strong and functional institutions and processes for social dialogue. It carries out technical cooperation, research and advocacy functions to assist ILO member States to respect, promote and realize the fundamental principles and rights at work, which are: freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining; the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour; the effective abolition of child labour; and the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. It also includes the Better Work Programme which is a joint ILO and IFC technical programme to improve the working conditions in ready-made garment and footwear industry in several countries through participatory and multi-stakeholder arrangements. Read more


Safety and health at work

Safety and health at work

Labour administration and labour inspection

Labour administration and labour inspection

Forced labour, human trafficking and slavery

Forced labour, human trafficking and slavery

Child labour

Child labour

Equality and discrimination

Equality and discrimination

Freedom of association

Freedom of association

Collective bargaining and labour relations

Collective bargaining and labour relations

Better work

Better work

Tripartism and social dialogue

Tripartism and social dialogue

Labour law and Reform

Labour law and Reform

International Labour Standards

List of instruments by subjects

Conventions and Recommendations

List of instruments by subjects

Key resources and databases

Employment protection legislation database


Employment protection legislation database

International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions


International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions

Global database on occupational safety and health legislation


Global database on occupational safety and health legislation

Technical cooperation

News and events