Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
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Green Employment Diagnostics for Just Transitions
Supporting countries understand and respond to the opportunities and threats posed by climate change, and policy responses to promote just transitions
Climate change is arguably the most pressing challenge the world is facing today with far-reaching effects on economies and labour markets, especially in developing countries. At the same time, policy efforts to reorient the economy away from carbon-intensive production impacts labour markets through both job creation and destruction. Understanding these complex interactions between the labour market and climate change and environmental sustainability measures requires the use of a range of data sources and methodologies to build an analysis that can serve policymakers and other stakeholders. To reach this goal, the ILO, in collaboration with Genesis Analytics, has co-developed these guidelines for undertaking green employment diagnostics at the country level, supporting the goal of just transitions. The guidelines, complemented by an overarching ILO framework for employment diagnostics, aim to enhance the understanding of the interplay between the environment, economy and employment, empowering ILO constituents to identify trends, constraints and opportunities related to climate change impacts on the labour market.