Crisis response: Appeals for partnerships
ILO Recovery Programme of the Emergency Response Plan for the Occupied Palestinian Territory
13 May 2024
The ILO and its partners pursue to alleviate the devastating socio-economic effects of the crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. Building upon the ILO’s expertise in post-disaster labour market recovery, the ILO Emergency Response Plan integrates decent work principles into emergency relief and early recovery efforts. The Plan maps out a series of interventions across three interconnected pillars of Relief, Review and Recovery, in line with the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. The Recovery Programme aims to restore jobs and businesses in the West Bank and Gaza through Employment Promotion, Social Protection, and Business Recovery as part of the wider recovery response of the United Nations.
So far, ILO has supported over 9,000 Gazan workers stranded in the West Bank, and facilitated the transportation of 130 containers, owned by businesses in Gaza and held at Israeli ports since October, to the West Bank. The ILO also collects vital data enabling the analysis on the impact of the war on the Palestinian labour market.
The ILO seeks to reaffirm the commitment of key ILO development partners to its Recovery Programme. The required budget for the first phase of the ILO recovery amounts to US$ 20 million. A multi-donor pooled funding arrangement allows for maximum flexibility, adaptive programming and cost-effectiveness.
Download the Framework document - Introducing the Recovery Programme of the Emergency Response Plan
Press release
Press Release
Partners pledge support to ILO’s Palestinian labour market recovery programme
Partners Soundbites

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Development partners meeting in support of the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Framework document
Introducing the Recovery Programme of the Emergency Response Plan for the Occupied Palestinian Territory
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