EU-STREIT Project in Papua New Guinea

ILO Regional Director inaugurates rehabilitated road in Papua New Guinea

2 May 2024

WEWAK, Papua New Guinea (ILO News) - Ms. Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Asia-Pacific, visited Papua New Guinea and inaugurated a significant milestone under the ILO-EU STREIT Programme: the newly rehabilitated Yawasoro - Niengwanjie road in Wewak District, East Sepik Province.

A collaborative effort for development

The road rehabilitation by ILO, is part of the Support to Rural Entrepreneurship, Investment, and Trade (STREIT) Programme, a One-UN initiative funded by the European Union and led by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), ILO, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This comprehensive project aims to enhance rural infrastructure, economic development, and community well-being in Papua New Guinea.

Inauguration ceremony

The inauguration was attended by a host of dignitaries, including:

  • Ms. Kessy Sawang, Papua New Guinea’s Minister of Labour and Employment;
  • His Excellency, Mr. Jacques Fradin, EU Ambassador to Papua New Guinea;
  • Mr. Richard Howard, UN Resident Coordinator in Papua New Guinea;
  • Mr. Martin Wandera, ILO’s Director for Pacific Island Countries;
  • Mr. Alphonse Kami, East Sepik Deputy Provincial Administrator;
  • Mr. Solomon Pela, First Assistant Secretary of National Department of Works and Highways.

Impact of the Road Rehabilitation

The 10 km Yawasoro - Niengwanjie road, rehabilitated using employment-intensive and local resource-based approaches, is now an all-weather, durable pathway designed to withstand severe environmental conditions. This road is part of a total of over 200 km of road network that are being rehabilitated and maintained by ILO under the transport infrastructure component of the STREIT Programme in the 9 districts of East and West Sepik Provinces. The infrastructure component including rural airstrips and waterway transport infrastructure rehabilitation, enhances access to markets and essential services such as healthcare and education, promising to touch the lives and livelihoods of approximately 112, 000 users.

Benefits to the community

The improved transport infrastructure promises significant improvements for the local population:

  • Improved travel conditions: Year-round travel is now possible, overcoming previous seasonal obstacles.
  • Enhanced accessibility: Easier access to markets, healthcare, and education.
  • Reduced travel times and costs: More efficient travel reduces transportation expenses.
  • Economic opportunities: Boosts local businesses, especially in the cocoa sector.
  • Employment generation: Created approximately 156,000 days of paid work, injecting PGK 6.5 million into the local economy.

Voices from the event

Ms. Asada-Miyakawa highlighted the project's inclusive development and employment goals: "The ILO under EU-STREIT is rehabilitating and maintaining vital feeder rural access roads and restoring airstrips, supporting the inclusive development of remote areas. Notably, 52% of labor engaged in road maintenance are female, expected to provide over 390,000 workdays by May 2025."

Ms. Kessy Sawang emphasized the alignment with national priorities and the potential for replication: "The EU STREIT Programme model should be replicated nationwide to create employment and enhance the quality of life for our rural population."

Mr. Jacques Fradin reaffirmed the EU's commitment: "This is the largest EU-funded project in the Pacific, overcoming initial challenges like COVID-19 to greatly benefit East and West Sepik Provinces. The project supports Cocoa, Vanilla, and Fisheries sectors, championing women's empowerment and community prosperity."

Mr. Richard Howard praised the UN's collaborative efforts: "This project showcases how the UN, leveraging diverse expertise, collaborates closely with local communities. Sustainable road rehabilitation and maintenance by the community is truly commendable."

Mr. Alphonse Kami called for community stewardship: "Today's inauguration marks a significant milestone. We are discussing sustainability mechanisms for the rehabilitated roads with EU-STREIT PNG. The community must care for this essential infrastructure."

The First Assistant Secretary of National Department of Works and Highways, Mr. Solomon Pela in his remarks, also commended the success of the EU-STREIT PNG Programme and strongly emphasized on its sustainability and replication countrywide.

Programme overview

The EU-STREIT PNG Programme, the largest EU-funded initiative in the Pacific, focuses on sustainable economic development in rural areas of East Sepik and Sandaun Provinces. It aims to enhance cocoa, vanilla, and fisheries value chains, improve transport infrastructure, and support renewable energy and digital financial services.

This project sets a strong foundation for ongoing development initiatives, promising a brighter future for the residents of East and West Sepik Provinces.

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