Standards implementation
ILO supervisory system: Special procedures
International labour standards are backed by a supervisory system comprised of independent legal experts and tripartite bodies to help ensure that countries implement the Conventions they ratify.
The special procedures enable constituents to raise with the ILO alleged shortcomings in the manner States give effect to international labour standards or realize the fundamental principles of the ILO. Unlike the regular system of supervision, the three procedures listed below are based on the submission of a representation or a complaint:
- Procedure for employers’ or workers’ organizations representations under article 24 on the application of ratified Conventions
- Procedure for complaints under articles 26 to 34 over the application of ratified Conventions
- Special procedure for complaints regarding freedom of association through the Committee on Freedom of Association
See also the Note on the voluntary conciliation in the context of the ILO's supervisory system (Representations under article 24 and Committee on Freedom of Association).

Ad-hoc tripartite committees
Representation procedure (Art.24)

See also
Standards implementation
ILO supervisory system: Regular supervision
Resources and forms for constituents
Guide for Constituents
Overview of the ILO's supervisory system