Manual for training of trainers
Labour market reintegration of migrant workers and former refugees upon return in their origin countries
The manual is part of overall ILO’s assistance and collaboration in promoting successful and sustainable labour market reintegration, requiring labour market opportunities, infrastructure, enabling policies, financial and non-financial services, access to assets, education, and healthcare.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many migrants lost their jobs in the country of destination and had to return to their country of origin. As an impact of the pandemic reintegration of migrant workers became a priority for South Asian member states. Their reintegration in the labour market and in the society has presented both challenges and opportunities for South Asian member states, which require enhanced capacities at all levels: government officials, social partners, and other stakeholders.
To address the challenges, this training-of-trainers manual provides a step-by-step approach for designing and implementing labour market reintegration measures that build capacity. In many aspects, the reintegration process of migrant workers is like that of former refugees who return to their home country.
The manual will also cover this group. The manual is issued within the framework of the Governance of Labour Migration in South and South-East Asia (GOALS) project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC), which is aimed at ensuring labour migration is safe, orderly, and regular for all women and men from the Colombo Process Member States through strengthened collaboration and effective migration governance.
The training manual is based on and should be used in conjunction with the GOALS Manual for Sustainable Reintegration of Returnee Migrant Workers in South Asia, the ILO Guidelines on labour market reintegration upon return in origin countries, and the ILO concepts and definitions paper on the same topic.