Launch of the first global strategic compliance plan in Abidjan
This crucial initiative, designed to cover the three years 2023-2025, aims to address significant challenges in respecting and realizing the rights of workers in Côte d'Ivoire, with a particular focus on the agricultural, commerce, industry, as well as buildings and public works sectors.
28 March 2024
Abidjan, Ivory Coast, March 28, 2024 – A significant event was held in Abidjan, where the Ministry of Employment and Social Protection of Côte d’Ivoire, through the General Directorate of Labour and with the technical and financial support from the International Labour Organization through its projects ACCEL Africa, ENACTE and Trade for Decent Work (T4DW), has officially launched the implementation of the first ever comprehensive global strategic compliance planning in Côte d'Ivoire.
This crucial initiative, designed to cover the three-year period 2023-2025, aims to address significant challenges in respecting and realizing the rights of workers in Côte d'Ivoire, with a particular focus on agriculture, commerce, industry, as well as construction and public works. The event brought together 47 participants, including government officials, employers' organizations, workers' organizations and technical and financial partners, all gathered to highlight the need for an effective and proactive Labour Inspection system, in order not only to protect workers' rights, but also to stimulate economic growth and promote social peace in the country.
This was the opportunity to highlight the evolution of the Labour Inspection from a traditional and reactive model towards a more proactive role built around targeted, adapted, time-based interventions that can involve multiple stakeholders, to initiate important socio-economic reforms.
The Ministry of Employment and Social Protection through the General Directorate of Labour has reaffirmed its commitment to improving governance in the world of work, ensuring sustainable compliance with national labour standards, the promotion of decent work, protection social and business productivity.
To give concrete follow-up to the implementation of this strategic planning, a first implementation agreement, covering the Nawa Region, was already signed early in 2024 between the ILO and the General Directorate of Labour for the implementation of the compliance plan in agriculture in the Region of Soubre. The ILO will continue to provide technical and financial support to the General Directorate of Labour to implement the compliance plan in other sectors and regions with a specific focus on child labour and OSH.
This strategic workshop marks a key step towards achieving a robust, dynamic and integrated approach to Labour Inspection in Côte d'Ivoire, reflecting a collective dedication to improving the quality of work and the general working conditions in key supply chains in Ivory Coast.
This crucial initiative, designed to cover the three-year period 2023-2025, aims to address significant challenges in respecting and realizing the rights of workers in Côte d'Ivoire, with a particular focus on agriculture, commerce, industry, as well as construction and public works. The event brought together 47 participants, including government officials, employers' organizations, workers' organizations and technical and financial partners, all gathered to highlight the need for an effective and proactive Labour Inspection system, in order not only to protect workers' rights, but also to stimulate economic growth and promote social peace in the country.
During the ceremony, participants were informed of the existence and importance of strategic planning, which aims to provide lasting solutions to the challenges of the world of work in Côte d'Ivoire and particularly in terms of occupational safety and health, elimination of child labour and improvement of general working conditions. The meeting provided a platform for stakeholders to take ownership of the planning, thereby fostering collective commitment towards its successful implementation.Strategic planning then provides the labour inspectorate with a new method to achieve sustainable compliance results by relying on available resources and taking into account the evolving nature of the world of work."
Coumba Diop, Director of the ILO Country Office in Côte d’Ivoire
This was the opportunity to highlight the evolution of the Labour Inspection from a traditional and reactive model towards a more proactive role built around targeted, adapted, time-based interventions that can involve multiple stakeholders, to initiate important socio-economic reforms.
The Ministry of Employment and Social Protection through the General Directorate of Labour has reaffirmed its commitment to improving governance in the world of work, ensuring sustainable compliance with national labour standards, the promotion of decent work, protection social and business productivity.
To give concrete follow-up to the implementation of this strategic planning, a first implementation agreement, covering the Nawa Region, was already signed early in 2024 between the ILO and the General Directorate of Labour for the implementation of the compliance plan in agriculture in the Region of Soubre. The ILO will continue to provide technical and financial support to the General Directorate of Labour to implement the compliance plan in other sectors and regions with a specific focus on child labour and OSH.
This strategic workshop marks a key step towards achieving a robust, dynamic and integrated approach to Labour Inspection in Côte d'Ivoire, reflecting a collective dedication to improving the quality of work and the general working conditions in key supply chains in Ivory Coast.