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Measuring Cooperatives: An information guide on the ILO Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives
An ILO’ information guide on the Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives is now available in English
This information guide provides practical guidance for the ILO’s Member States toward implementing the Guidelines concerning Statistics of Cooperatives which was adopted at the 20th International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) in October 2018 and then approved by the Governing Body of the ILO in March 2019.
The Guidelines are the first international statistical standard on cooperatives covering concepts and definitions around cooperatives, types of cooperatives, statistical units, work in cooperatives and ways of collecting, tabulating, and analyzing statistical data on cooperatives. This information guide, funded by the Government of the Republic of Korea, is intended for staff in national statistics offices, and researchers working in and on cooperatives. It can be used to test the concepts and definitions presented in the Guidelines, develop measures that assess the economic contribution of cooperatives and undertake further methodological work related to the statistics of cooperatives.