Ongoing and forthcoming events

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Labour market enforcement in Brazil: Reflections, lessons and the way forward
Girl Walking on Street with Brazilian Flag on Wall

ILO Live

Labour market enforcement in Brazil: Reflections, lessons and the way forward

Join us for a captivating journey through the history and transformation of Brazil’s labour inspectorate. Discover how this vital institution has adapted over time to tackle the challenges of labour market non-compliance. Dive into an analysis of...

Launch of the Strategy for the Promotion of Formalization in Latin America and the Caribbean
Cabecera web FORLAC ING

Launch of the Strategy for the Promotion of Formalization in Latin America and the Caribbean

Training of Trainers on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems
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Deadline for application: 12 July 2024

Training of Trainers on Building Modern and Effective Labour Inspection Systems

Social Security Inspection (New)
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Deadline for application: 12 July 2024

Social Security Inspection (New)

Master in Occupational Safety and Health
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Deadline for application: 31 May 2024

Master in Occupational Safety and Health

Distance Learning Course on Occupational Safety and Health (English, Spanish)
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Deadline for application: 16 August 2024

Distance Learning Course on Occupational Safety and Health (English, Spanish)

Applying Market Systems Development for Decent Work in the Middle East and North Africa
A female worker in a tomato farm in Lebanon

Applying Market Systems Development for Decent Work in the Middle East and North Africa

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition in the building materials industry, including cement
Grey Cement and bricks

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition in the building materials industry, including cement

The Prevention of Work-related Occupational Diseases
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Deadline for application: 21 August 2024

The Prevention of Work-related Occupational Diseases

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and ...
Male worker using laptop amidst production line in juice factory

Technical meeting on the promotion of decent work and a just transition, including skills and lifelong learning, in the food and ...

Fifth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee established under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)
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Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)

Fifth Meeting of the Special Tripartite Committee established under the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)