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Promoting cooperatives: An information guide to ILO Recommendation No. 193
The ILO’s Recommendation 193 on the Promotion of Cooperatives was adopted in 2002 and provides an internationally agreed template for national policy. This second edition has been updated and revised and will help cooperatives, governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations to help to make the cooperative model to become the option for achieving sustainable development.
Ranging from small-scale to multi-million dollar businesses across the globe, cooperatives are estimated to employ more than 100 million women and men and have more than 800 million individual members. Because cooperatives are owned by those who use their services, their decisions balance the need for profitability with the wider interests of the community.
The ILO’s Recommendation 193 on the Promotion of Cooperatives was adopted in 2002 and provides an internationally agreed template for national policy. The first edition of this Guide to the Recommendation was published in 2004 and has remained in demand although out of print for many years. This second edition has been updated and revised and will help cooperatives, governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations to help to make the cooperative model to become the option for achieving sustainable development.
The Story of the ILO’s Promotion of Cooperatives Recommendation, 2002 (No.193) A review of the process of making ILO Recommendation No. 193, its implementation and its impact