Promoting Productive Employment and Decent Work for Women in Egypt, Jordan and the occupied Palestinian territory
The project aims to promote productive employment and decent work for women in Egypt, Jordan, and the occupied Palestinian territory through reducing the barriers to women’s entry to and retention in decent work.
1 January 2019 - 30 June 2024
Development partner(s)
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and UN Women
Reem Aslan, Gender Technical Specialist/ Decent Work for Women Programme Manager, aslan@ilo.org.
Additional details
Access project dashboardUnited Nations Women and the International Labour Organisation developed a joint 4-year multi-country programme promoting productive and decent employment opportunities and treatment for women in Egypt, Jordan and the occupied Palestinian territory. Aligned with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 5 and 8 on gender equality, decent work, and economic growth, the programme aims to address the structural causes of inequalities that women face in these countries and that hinder women from enjoying equal opportunities for decent work and reaching their full economic potential.
The three countries have been selected based on the ongoing work of both agencies, government commitments towards gender equality, and civil society engagement. Strategies will include promoting equitable labour market related laws and policies; engaging public, private and community actors with attention to involving men; and reducing the unequal burden of unpaid care work. The outputs of the joint programme are also aligned to countries’ strategic priorities and will contribute to the efforts of achieving relevant SDG indicators.
Together with national institutions, the programme will address discriminatory laws and foster gender-responsive policy environments. It will engage with private sector to promote equal and decent employment opportunities and will work closely with the civil society to challenge gender stereotypes at home and in the world of work.
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