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Publicaciones y guías relacionadas con IMESUN

8 de julio de 2011

En esta sección encontrará literatura (en inglés) sobre algunos resultados, retos y evaluaciones del programa IMESUN en diferentes países.

  Small Business Training to Improve Management Practices in Developing Countries: Reassessing the Evidence for 'Training Doesn’t Work'
  A rough guide to entrepreneurship promotion in forced displacement contexts
  Getting entrepreneurship contests right
  SIMUKA-PHAKAMA Is your business ready to leap and go green?
  What Works In a Market-Oriented Strategy for SME Development - Evidence From Myanmar
  The Next 15 Million: Entrepreneurship Training At Scale – New Data On The Global Outreach Of ILO’s Entrepreneurship Training
  Green Business Booklet
  Does the combination of vocational and business management training produce extra benefits?
  What Works in SME Development
  Access to Finance and Enterprise growth: Evidence from an experiment in Uganda
  Business Practices in Small Firms in Developing Countries
  Synergies at Work: Does the combination of business training and access to finance produce extra benefits?
  Assessment of the business service and training market in Myanmar
  Sustaining the ILO-Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) Program in Sri Lanka
  Business Training for Entrepreneurs in Vietnam
  Access to SIYB training for people with disabilities. A Handbook for Organizers and Trainers in China
  Commercially Sustainable BDS to Poor Customers - the case of Sri Lanka
Guide to Market Assessment for BDS Program Design