In June 2022, the 110th session of the International Labour Conference (ILC) considered that to enhance policy coherence and global advocacy, the ILO must play a global leadership role on a number of issues, including “Contributing to a better understanding of living wages by undertaking peer-reviewed research on concepts and on estimations in that respect”.
The present webpage thus provides links to key ILO documents and publications related to the question of living wages. This includes the Preamble of the ILO Constitution which calls for the provision of “an adequate living wage”, the 1944 ILO Declaration of Philadelphia (also a part of the ILO Constitution) which calls for “a just share of the fruits of progress to all, and a minimum living wage to all employed and in need of such protection”, the 2022 ILO Brief “Setting adequate Wages: the question of living wages”, as well as other useful documents.