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Relationship Management with Employers

For the ILO, Employers represent one of the three constituencies that make up its tripartite structure and are therefore a fundamental pillar of its overall policy work and technical cooperation programme.  ACT/EMP provides technical support to the Employers’ Group in ILO governance structures and ILO meetings, including the annual International Labour Conference, the ILO Governing Body, tripartite technical and expert meetings, and regional and country-level meetings.
ACT/EMP works in close cooperation with the International Organisation of Employers (IOE), which acts as the Secretariat for the Employer’s Group and is independent from the ILO.  The IOE is the recognized voice of business in international labour and social policy forums across the United Nations system and in other high-level forums such as the G20, with the aim of ensuring that international policies promote an enabling environment for private sector growth and job creation.

Further information

Employers' Group of the ILO Governing Body

Employers' Group of the ILO Governing Body

The Secretariat for the Employers' Group - International Organisation for Employers

The Secretariat for the Employers' Group - International Organisation for Employers

International Labour Conference

International Labour Conference

Governing Body

Governing Body

Sectoral meetings

Sectoral meetings