Tripartism and social dialogue
Resilient, Inclusive and Sustainable Supply Chains Asia (RISSC) in Indonesia
Funded by the Government of Japan, the RISSC project aims to build more resilient, inclusive and sustainable global supply chains as an entry point and catalyst for advancing decent work, addressing human and labour right risks, and building forward better from recent global disruptions, including COVID-19 pandemic. In Indonesia, the RISSC project focuses on the electronics manufacturing sector.
1 September 2022 - 31 August 2025
Development partner(s)
Government of Japan
Additional details
Access project dashboardKey industry facts
- Relatively small but nationally prioritised industry
- Heavy domestic market focus, but with aspirations for GSC integration
- Key products: Home appliances (local), digital electronics (joint ventures) and computers
- Key foreign investors: Japan, Korea, Singapore and increasingly China
- 260.000 workers, 64% female in computer, electric and optical products and 40% female in electrical equipment (2019)
- USD 7.8 billion total export value
- 13.5% Share of total Foreign Direct Investment (2017)
Project objective
RISSC in Indonesia aims to build a more resilient and sustainable electronic supply chain by addressing human and labour rights risks and expanding decent work. Using proven tripartite and consultative approaches, it will work with constituents and industry partners to identify challenges and build tools and support to improve working conditions and business outcomes in the the electronics sector.Project approach
- Research & analysis
- Enhancing stakeholder knowledge & capacity
- Policy advice, tools & guidance
Expected project outcomes for Indonesia
Constituents and key stakeholders in Indonesia:- Have a better understanding of decent work challenges and opportunities (and their links to long-term industry growth and sustainability)
- Have better tools/capacity to address those issues.
- Are addressing and making progress on those issues through policies an action in the sector.
- Due diligence and responsible business practice are more widely understood and applied in the supply chains (especially those linked to Japan).
Project partners
- Ministry of Manpower & other ministries/agencies
- Employer & Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs)
- Trade unions
- Japanese constituents & industry stakeholders
Target beneficiaries
Employers and workers in the sector, policymakers, and other key industry stakeholdersFor further information please contact:
Mr Tauvik MuhamadNational Project Coordinator
Email: or
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Tripartism and social dialogue
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