Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
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Global Synthesis Report
Review of national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice
A baseline study on the right to work and rights at work for refugees - Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Uganda, Sudan
Through PROSPECTS programme, the ILO has undertaken a national policy, legislative and regulatory frameworks and practice review. This review includes an analysis of current legislation, policies and regulatory frameworks, and how their implementation works in practice across the eight PROSPECTS countries to support the governments in policy, legislation, regulatory development and/or reform as appropriate.
Through this review, the ILO seeks to explore further opportunities to strengthen policy, legislative and institutional environments and mechanisms, working closely with host governments and other national actors and partners.
By providing a comprehensive and robust picture of the situation on the ground, the report offers actionable areas of intervention to support policy development, reform and implementation capacity of the host governments, other national and local actors, including the social partners, to enhance inclusion and protection.