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Skills and Employment for Peace in South Sudan

The initiative will develop young men and women’s technical and business skills through established skills centres as well as mobile units. In doing so, the project will contribute towards national efforts in laying the economic foundations to reduce marginalization and competition over scarce resources.

Project details

1 October 2013 - 31 December 2015

Donor: United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (UNPBF)

Geographical Area of Implementation: Bor, Gumruk, Pibor and Pachala South, Jonglei State, South Sudan

Participating UN Agencies: International Labour Organization (ILO)
                                            United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

Contact person (
s): Ms. Kholoud Alkhaldi, Senior Enterprise Development Specialist | Mr. Onsi Georgious, Technical Advisor/ Employability

Project Background

The joint Project of ILO and UNIDO is to provide market-relevant vocational and business training for young men and women in Southern Jonglei and develop young men and women’s technical and business skills through established skills Centre’s as well as mobile units. In doing so, the project will contribute towards national efforts in laying the economic foundations to reduce marginalization and competition over scarce resources.

Target Groups/Key actors and Geographic Criteria: Among the women targeted, priority will be given to those of “marriage age”, or recently married and those who are specifically vulnerability.

Implementation Strategy

The project envisages the strengthening of the peace building capacities of young men and women in Jonglei state. By improving access to livelihood opportunities the vocational training will contribute to a reduction in conflict over cattle, grazing rights and water sources. The project will use a fair-shares approach in which training and other inputs will be provide on an equal basis to all selected communities / ethnic groups. Mobile training approaches will be used while fixed training facilities will also be made use of in county towns.

The programme will build upon existing capacities and resources and add to them. The approach will be rights-based, needs-based for the local communities in Jonglei. The training material and courses will be designed to fit the needs of the communities and aspirations of unemployed/underemployed youth (young men and women) residing in the area taking into considerations socio-economic conditions.

ILO will address the critical gap areas of labour markets, enterprise support, and marketplaces. These will contribute to a joint response on youth livelihoods and employment whose overall objective is to assist State, County and community leaders to moderate the recent upsurge in rural violence by marginalised and disaffected young men. It will do this through providing young men and women in remote and hard-to-reach communities in southern Jonglei with the knowledge and skills to improve and diversify their livelihoods and incomes. In addition, ILO will make use of two enterprise training approaches that are specifically design for those with low levels of literacy – GET Ahead in Enterprise; and Generate Your Business Idea (GYBI). Both training modules have been adapted to the South Sudan context under the ILO component of the UN MDGF Joint Programme on Youth Employment. And have been field tested by ILO, UNIDO and UNHCR in urban and rural communities in three predominantly pastoralist states: Northern Bahr el-Ghazal, Warrap and Upper Nile

Implementing Partners

  • Ministry of Labour, Public Service and Human Resource Development; Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Cooperatives and Rural Development; Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports.
  • Jonglei State and Country Government.
  • Non-governmental Organizations.

Target Beneficiaries

1500 young men and women selected from Bor, Gumruk, Pibor and Pachala South counties in Jonglei state.

Project Outcomes and Outputs


Young men and women are more engaged in diversified economic opportunities based on skills gained and overall security situation in Jonglei state stabilizes due to reduced reliance on cattle as source of income.

Output 1.1: Young men and women are more engaged in diversified economic opportunities based on skills gained
Output 1.2: Overall security situation in Jonglei state stabilizes due to reduced reliance on cattle as source of income

Outcome 2:

Economic opportunities and employment is generated for young men and women

Output 2.1: Market surveys, income generation and market-relevant business training and support to outreach services
Output 2.2: Cooperative education and training, financial literacy and support to outreach services.