Skills delivery
The employment impact of training programmes depends on their relevance to the labour market and to the aspirations of the learners, as well as on the quality of the training delivery. International Labour Standards focus on these aspects, particularly through the ILO UNESCO Recommendation on the Status of Teachers, 1966, and the Quality Apprenticeship Recommendation, 2023 (No. 208).
Quality apprenticeships are prioritised by member states and social partners as a key component of successful skills delivery that allows learners to acquire competencies on the job and in training centres, with adequate compensation and protection, leading to a qualification. Quality apprenticeships can facilitate successful transitions to and within the labour market as part of a lifelong learning approach, contribute to productivity, and meet the needs of employers. It is also a useful approach to bring in national economies the competencies required for transitions to formal, digital and green economies. The upgrading of traditional apprenticeships in the informal economy also allows to reduce risks,
The digitalisation of skills delivery has been one of the major shift that the COVID19 crisis brought forward. When tailored to specific contexts and learners, blended training and assessments that involves a mix of synchronous and asynchronous learning, can be a powerful tool to increase outreach and reduce cost.
Core skills that are relevant to all occupations are increasingly perceived as crucial for employability and for a right fit of workers in enterprises. They can include cognitive and meta-cognitive skills, social and communication skills, digital skills, and skills for green economy. Core skills also impact didactic approaches, with a renewed focus on participative and learner centred approach. Core skills may not only be the subject of separate sessions, but need to be mainstreamed in all training modules, and all assessments.
Plan of action for the implementation of the Quality Apprenticeships Recommendation, 2023 (No. 208)

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