All Director-General statements

Cooperatives are at the heart of social justice and sustainable solutions

World Day Against Child Labour
ILO Director-General calls for ending child labour

112th International Labour Conference
Opening address by ILO Director-General at the Special Sitting on the Situation of Workers of the Occupied Arab Territories

Opening address of Director-General at the 112th International Labour Conference

ILO Director-General reaffirms importance of the Declaration of Philadelphia for Social Justice

World Bank / IMF Spring Meetings
ILO Director-General statement to the International Monetary and Financial Committee and to the joint World Bank-IMF Development Committee

Opening address of the Director-General of the ILO to the 350th Session of the Governing Body

Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington D.C.
Advancing Decent Work and Labour Rights Globally

ECOSOC Special Meeting
Navigating the Future of Work: A call for inclusive and sustainable solutions

WESO Trends 2024
World Employment and Social Outlook Trends 2024: ILO Director-General’s remarks

G20 Virtual Leaders’ Summit
ILO Director-General’s talking points to the G20 Virtual Leaders’ Summit

ILO Director-General highlights the European social model as a geopolitical lever
Speaking at the Porto Social Forum, the Director-General of the International Labour Organization (ILO) commended the European Union (EU) for its leading role in promoting international labour standards and the integration of occupational safety and...