Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
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Strengthening Labour Inspection in Lesotho
The project seeks to strengthen labour inspection in Lesotho through enhancing its efficacy and efficiency so as to contribute to economic development, social cohesion and good governance.
Lesotho is a small, mountainous country surrounded by South Africa where the majority of the population resides in rural areas difficult to reach. Lesotho is considered one of the Least Developed Countries.
In this particularly difficult context, the labour inspectorate experiences tremendous challenges to promote compliance and enhance working conditions in the country. In particular, understaffing, lack of technical skills, lack of awareness of labour rights among workers and employers and lack of transportation and equipment prevent the labour inspectors to properly carry out their mandate.
In order to tackle these issues, the project is pursuing a human rights based approach seeking to strengthen the labour inspectorate as well as employers’ and workers’ organizations capacities to improve workplace compliance with labour laws. Regarding the labour inspectorate, the project focuses on creating management tools to aid efficient functions of the inspectorate and develop an information system to inform planning, monitoring and reporting of activities. In parallel, the project develops skills and competency training programmes for inspectors.
Awareness-raising campaigns are also developed and implemented with the media on prioritized topics to promote knowledge about workers’ and employers’ rights.
Finally, the project seeks the creation of a tripartite body for the inspectorate. This body is aimed at making informed decisions on labour inspection issues and providing a platform to provide guidance to the project. It will also ensure sustainability after the project closes.
Funding for this project is provided by the United States Department of Labor.