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Strengthening Social Dialogue in the Process of Structural Adjustment and Private Sector Participation in Ports in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania
Marios Meletiou, Specialist (Transport & Ports), ILO Sectoral Activities Department
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The aim of the project was to strengthen the capacity of the social partners and other institutions involved in the port sector in Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania to engage in a constructive social dialogue, particularly during the process of structural adjustment and private sector participation in ports. The main beneficiaries of the project were the Workers and Employers in the port sectors in the aforementioned countries. Through their ability to be engaged in effective social dialogue the Workers and Employers would promote and safeguard their working and living conditions at acceptable / European standards and achieve efficient and competitive operations of their businesses respectively.
The project was mainly based on the ILO practical guidance manual "Social dialogue in the process of structural adjustment and private sector participation in ports".
The project partners were the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) and the Federation of European Private Port Operators (FEPORT).
The core activities comprised of a national tripartite workshop on social dialogue in the port sector in each country. Special emphasis was given to relevant EU legislation and to local conditions, which were reflected in three local studies. The national workshops were followed by an international tripartite workshop held in Brussels including a visit to the port of Antwerp.
The sustainability of the project will be secured through the availability of ILO training and other materials on social dialogue in the port sector in the local language, which local instructors can use to continue to train more locals. The National Tripartite Project Steering Committees (NTPSCs) have developed National Plans so that the capacity building of the social partners on social dialogue in the port sector would have long-range benefits.