Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
Sub-regional workshop
Sub-regional workshop on on promoting social dialogue and decent work in the railways sector
Tripartite representatives will learn about social dialogue and share information and best practices on the main opportunities and challenges for social dialogue in the railways sector within their countries.
The railways sector provides one of the most energy efficient modes of transport for both freight and passengers. Although it represents only 2 per cent of total transport energy demand, it is responsible for 8 per cent of the world’s passenger transit and 7 per cent of global freight transport. The sector carries historical importance and is critical to bridging inequality, developing sustainable supply chains, tackling climate change and ensuring that the global economy keeps moving. In most Southern African countries, railways have been maintained public, with concession arrangements negotiated, in some cases, for certain corridors. New emerging players are interested to finance railway infrastructure projects in Southern African countries, and their participation in investment has grown over the past decade. This has important implications for governments, workers and employers.
Social dialogue reconciles and paves the way for workers, employers and governments to realize a human-centred approach in order to ensure the sector’s growth, continuity, stability, and overall sustainability. The capacity building workshop will be based on the Manual on social dialogue for the railways sector.
During this capacity building workshop, tripartite representatives from Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe will learn about social dialogue and share information and best practices on the main opportunities and challenges for social dialogue in the railways sector within their countries. They will take stock of best practices and discuss possible concrete actions to further improve industrial relations in the sector.