Submitting book reviews
16 September 2020
As a multidisciplinary and international academic journal published in three languages, the International Labour Review (ILR) regards book reviews as a way of raising the visibility of valuable academic work and – alongside articles – of fostering academic debate. On this basis, the ILR features reviews of a selected number of books published in the previous two years. These may have been solicited or be the result of spontaneous proposals or submissions.
The books reviewed should fall within the aims and scope of the ILR and the reviewers should not have had any involvement in their drafting.
The ILR is committed to the publication of book reviews that, rather than appraise authors, engage in a critical and analytical discussion of the academic quality and contribution of the work reviewed, placing it in the larger context of the existing literature on the subject and stimulating further debate. If the review concerns an edited volume, the ILR encourages reviewers to examine the way in which the book as a whole deals with the topic and to address individual chapters when this contributes to the overall discussion.
Submissions can be made in English, French or Spanish. Reviewers are encouraged to write in whichever of these languages they feel most comfortable.
Book reviews should be submitted as Word documents and should be between 1000 and 1500 words in length.
The review should begin by indicating the title of the book, the names of the author(s) and the publication information (place of publication, publisher, year of publication, page numbers and ISBN).
The reviewer’s name and affiliation should be indicated at the end of the review.
Book reviewers should follow the points of house style outlined in the guidelines on submitting manuscripts (section 3), the only difference being that references should be provided in footnotes.
Book reviews and proposals should be sent to