Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
Supporting migrant returnees and communities in vulnerable situations to uplift their livelihoods, enhance their skills and promote safe and regular migration (UPLIFT)
This project aims at contributing to the sustainable socioeconomic reintegration and uplifting of skills/livelihood of returnees, aspirant migrant workers and victims of human trafficking
Contributing to the sustainable socioeconomic reintegration and uplifting of skills/livelihood of returnees, aspirant migrant workers and victims of human trafficking
Specific project objectives
To mitigate the risks of irregular migration and human trafficking and to promote safe and regular migration options, capacity building and awareness raising sessions for government officers, law enforcement authorities, and community members.
To enhance the skills and employability of youth, women including return and aspirant migrant workers and communities
To enhance the knowledge and capacities on data collection mechanisms pertaining to returnees at district level.
Project Outcomes
Vulnerabilities of returnees and other rural communities are mitigated through enhanced access to Sustainable Enterprises and/or resilient livelihood opportunities (IOM)
Irregular migration and human trafficking risks are mitigated through information on safe and regular migration and necessary tools/infrastructure (IOM)
Increased employability of women and men including youth (both locally and abroad) through enhanced skills development interventions. (ILO)
Government and other relevant stakeholders have access to evidence-based data for effective policy formulation and decision making (ILO)
Expected results
Migrant returnees and vulnerable communities gain access to sustainable and resilient livelihood opportunities.
Government stakeholders and the public have access to information on safe migration pathways, risks of irregular migration, human smuggling and trafficking and tools to mitigate irregular migration
Increased access to labour market by migrant returnees to gainfully be employed in local labour market or to successfully manage their enterprises effectively.
Aspirant migrants enhance their skills in Care, Tourism and Maritime
Increased labour force participation of women in local economic activities and employment opportunities through promotion of work-based learning programmes and entrepreneurship
Government stakeholders enhance their knowledge and capacities on data collection mechanisms pertaining to returnees at district level
IOM, ILO, and Government of Japan join hands to promote safe and regular migration, support reintegration and skills enhancement for aspirant and returnee migrants, and victims of human trafficking.