Syrian Arab Republic
The Syrian Arab Republic (Syria) has been a member of the ILO since 1947 and has ratified 51 ILO Conventions, including nine core Conventions, with Convention 187 on Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention yet to be ratified. In February 2023, the ILO reinstated its physical presence in Syria, with the appointment of a Country Coordinator. This will allow the ILO to expand its work in Syria, and work closely with constituents and the UN, as a member of UNCT, to promote decent work principles and increase employment opportunities.
Latest news and stories

ILO holds training of trainers workshop on occupational safety and health in Syria
Brussels VIII Conference: Fostering inclusive recovery in Syria through the private sector

Labour statistics

National labour market statistics for the last year from the ILOSTAT database
Projects and programmes
Supporting Resilience and Social Cohesion with Decent Livelihood Opportunities
Social Protection
Expanding Social insurance for agricultural workers in the Arab region

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The dashboard offers interactive visualisations of ILO development cooperation projects in Syria.
Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part I
Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman
Regional Report
Assessment of Labour Migration Statistics in the Arab States
ILO in Syria Early recovery through community resilience in earthquake-hit areas (February – December 2023)

All resources
Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Syria and filter by topic or sector.
Tripartite partners
Work with us
Tomoki Watanabe
ILO Syria Country Coordinator
- Email:
ILO activities in Syria are coordinated by the ILO in the Arab States Office, based in Beirut.
Aresco Centre - Justinien Street - Kantari
P.O.Box 11-4088 Riad Solh 1107-2150
Beirut – Lebanon
- Email:
Phone: + 961-1-752400