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Thematic analysis and practical advice

In focus

Social Protection Monitor on COVID-19

Social Protection

Social Protection Monitor on COVID-19

COVID-19 Enterprises Resources


COVID-19 Enterprises Resources

COVID-19 and employment policies


COVID-19 and employment policies

COVID-19 and Social Dialogue

Social dialogue

COVID-19 and Social Dialogue

COVID-19 and International Labour Standards

COVID-19 and International Labour Standards

The role of our social partners

Read the Joint Statement on COVID-19 by International Organisation of Employers and International Trade Union Confederation

What can workers do?
  • Efficient social dialogue at all levels is essential for quick and effective action.
  • Workers’ organizations can play an important role in participating in decision making and policies responses to the crisis on COVID-19. They can contribute to the prevention and protection of workers by giving reliable information. Workers' organizations can promote solidarity and non-discrimination / stigmatisation of workers and sick persons.
  • Since COVID-19 spreads mainly through respiratory droplets good workplace hygiene practices are essential, e.g. regular hand-washing, using hand and surface sanitiser.
  • Avoid touching your face, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. If you feel unwell self-isolate and seek medical assistance.
  • Encourage responsible behaviour, cooperate with response measures and stay calm.​
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Learn more about COVID-19 and Workers’ organizations
What can employers do?
  • Monitor advice provided by national and local authorities, including on work arrangements, and communicate critical information to the workforce.
  • Assess the potential risks of business disruption.
  • Review or draw up a business continuity plan that is consistent with guidelines offered by national and local authorities to enhance business resilience and support workers and their families.
  • Identify and mitigate risks to workers and other persons connected to the workplace arising from exposure to COVID-19.
  • Promote workplace hygiene and apply the principles of social distancing in the workplace; assess business liability for workers’ compensation, particularly in sectors with high work-related exposure to COVID-19.
  • Seek advice and support from employer and business membership organizations who can channel concerns to the government and shape policy measures that are conducive for business resilience and sustainability
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Tools and instruments by sectors

Tools and instruments by sectors