Advancing social justice, promoting decent work
ILO is a specialized agency of the United Nations
Towards more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains
The aim of the event is to explore opportunities and challenges to advance responsible business conduct and decent work in more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains.
The event is co-funded by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion as part of the EU-ILO project 'Sustainable supply chains to build forward better' (SSCBFB), which uses supply chains as an entry-point for advancing decent work in five sectors and countries.
It will provide a unique opportunity for ILO Member States, employers’ and workers’ organizations, and other key supply chain stakeholders to discuss new developments in the area of responsible business conduct and drivers of change that impact the configuration and functioning of supply chains.
During the event, the ILO will present its new synthesis report that summarizes the results from the SSCBFB project. In two subsequent panel sessions, representatives from EU Member States, employers’ and workers’ organizations and other key supply chain stakeholders will elaborate on national experiences in advancing decent work in supply chains through the application of international labour standards and the enforcement of national laws.
They will also discuss how ILO constituents and other stakeholders can harness key drivers of change and evolving governance frameworks to advance responsible business conduct and decent work in more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains.
To attend the event, please register before 14 June via the registration link. Participation is free of charge. For any questions, please contact
Monday, 19 June 2023
13.00-13.30 Welcome and registration
13.30-13.45 Opening remarks
Mr Jordi Gotor-Curell, Director Labour Mobility and International Affairs, European Commission, DG EMPL
Ms Lieve Verboven, Director, ILO Office for the European Union and the Benelux countries
Representatives from the European Commission and the ILO will introduce the innovative EU-ILO project ‘Sustainable Supply Chains to Build Forward Better’ (SSCBFB), which expressly uses supply chains as an entry point to advancing decent work. Speakers will also reflect on key trends and developments that are reshaping supply chains, such as new and emerging governance frameworks and legislative initiatives.
13.45-14.00 Presentation of ILO synthesis report
Mr Casper Edmonds, Head of Unit, ILO Sectoral Policies Department
The ILO will present its new synthesis report, entitled: “Challenges and opportunities to advance decent work in five countries and supply chains: A synthesis report”. The synthesis report comprises an analysis of supply chains in a changing global context, based on the work conducted in five supply chains and countries as part of the SSCBFB project: coffee in Colombia, electronics in Viet Nam, fisheries in Namibia, rubber gloves in Malaysia and textiles in Madagascar. The objective of the report is to support and inform future deliberations by the ILO’s tripartite constituents and other key supply chain stakeholders on how supply chains can most effectively be used as entry points to advance decent work for all and how more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains can be fostered.
14.00-15.15 Panel 1: Lessons learned from advancing decent work in five supply chains through the application of international labour standards and the enforcement of national laws
Facilitator: Mr Casper Edmonds, Head of Unit, ILO Sectoral Policies Department
Ms Aune N Mudjanima, Director of Labour Services, Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, Namibia
Mr Edwin Kamatoto, Managing Director of NovaNam and Namibia Employers’ Federation representative
Mr Job Muniaro, Secretary-General, National Union of Namibian Workers
Mr Mohd Fauzi Mohd Ghazali, Senior Director, Sustainability Unit, Malaysian Rubber Council
Mr Supramaniam S Shanmugam, Past President of the Malaysian Rubber Glove Manufacturers Association, Board Member on the Malaysian Rubber Board and a trustee on the Malaysian Rubber Council
Representatives from national ILO constituents involved in the SSCBFB project will address the following questions:
Which good practices and lessons learned will continue to inform efforts to advance decent work in supply chains, and what areas for further work have been identified?
How can labour market institutions be further strengthened to implement and enforce national laws and legislation?
What more can be done on the national level to engage with stakeholders along the supply chain to foster decent work in rapidly changing supply chains?
15.15-15.30 Coffee break
15.30-16.45 Panel 2: Harnessing key drivers of change and evolving governance frameworks to advance responsible business conduct and decent work: How can root causes of decent work deficits, including implementation gaps and high levels of informality be overcome?
Facilitator: Ms Charlotte Scheltus, Team Lead IRBC, Social and Economic Council of the Netherlands
Mr Jérôme Bellion-Jourdan, Deputy Secretary-General, International Organization of Employers
Ms Mónica Tepfer, Legal Officer, International Trade Union Confederation
Mr Jean-Paul Heerschap, Head of Sector Employment, European Commission, DG INTPA
Ms Nectaria Metrakos, Global Director, Social Impact and Engagement, The Coca-Cola Company
The panellists will address the following questions:
What are the main drivers of change impacting supply chains, and how can these be turned into opportunities to advance decent work?
How can social dialogue help inform new and emerging governance frameworks and legislative initiatives to advance responsible business conduct, and why is this important?
What challenges are small and medium-sized enterprises facing when it comes to their integration into supply chains, and what role can multinational enterprises play in fostering stakeholder engagement?
16.45-17.00 Closing
The closing session will highlight the key messages conveyed during the event and outline areas for continued work to advance decent work in more resilient, inclusive and sustainable supply chains.